Showing posts with label Costumes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Costumes. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Transformation - Trasformazione - बदलाव

After more than a year, I finally want to share some images. They are about a moment of transformation, when the ordinary becomes magical. You are going somewhere and suddenly you see something colourful and strange and you stop in your tracks. If you are lucky and you have a camera with you, sometimes you manage to get an image of that fleeting moment. The images are from Delhi (India), Bologna (Italy) and Guwahati (India).

आज एक वर्ष के बाद फ़िर से तस्वीरें बाँटने का मन किया. इन तस्वीरों का विषय है वह क्षण जब अचानक समय बदल जाता है, सामान्य से जादुवी बन जाता है. आप कहीं जा रहे हैं और अचानक कुछ अजीब सा दिखता है, रँगबिरंगा सा और आप राह चलते चलते ठिठक जाते हैं. कभी कभी अगर भाग्य अच्छा हो और आप के पास कैमरा हो तो उस जादुवी क्षण की तस्वीर भी खींच लेते हैं. यह तस्वीरें है दिल्ली (भारत), बोलोनिया (इटली) तथा गुवाहाटी (भारत) से.

Dopo più di un anno, finalmente ho sentito il bisogno di condividere qualche immagine. Queste foto riguardano un momento di trasformazione, quando l'ordinario diventa magico. Stai andando da qualche parte e all'improvviso, vedi qualcosa di colorato e strano che ti fa fermare. Se sei fortunato e hai una macchina fotografica con te, qualche volta riesci ad avere un'immagine di quel momento fuggente. Le immagini sono da Delhi (India), Bologna (Italia) e Guwahati (India).


Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Bihu again - Bihu di nuovo - फ़िर से बिहू

Bihu dance, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Bihu dance, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Bihu dance, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak

Assam, India: Girls dancing Bihu assume a specific pose in which the upper part of the body is bent slightly forward and hands are kept on the back. Today's images have that pose. Tomorrow Assam will celebrate Bihu. Best wishes for Bihu to all my Assamese friends.

असम, भारतः बिहू नृत्य में युवतियों की एक विषेश मुद्रा होती है जिसमें शरीर का उपरी भाग आगे की ओर झुकता है और हाथ पीछे पीठ पर रखते हैं. आज की तस्वीरों में वही मुद्रा है. कल असम में बुहू का त्योहार मनाया जायेगा. मेरे सभी असमी मित्रों को बुहू की शुभकामनाएँ.

Assam, India: Le ragazze che ballano Bihu assumano una posa specifica nella quale la parte superiore del corpo è piegata leggermente in avanti mentre le mani sono sulla schiena. Le immagini di oggi hanno questa posa. Domani, si celebrerà la festa di Bihu in tutto l'Assam. I miei auguri di Bihu a tutti i miei amici assamesi.


Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Live statues - Statue vive - जीवित मूर्तियाँ

Busker statues, Gareth Road, Dublin, Ireland - Images by Sunil Deepak
Busker statues, Gareth Road, Dublin, Ireland - Images by Sunil Deepak
Busker statues, Gareth Road, Dublin, Ireland - Images by Sunil Deepak

Dublin, Ireland: Among the buskers there are those who become human statues, always looking for new ways to be different and yet give you pleasure to look at them, so that you want to take your picture with them or to click their pictures.

डबलिन, आयरलैंडः सड़क पर अपनी कला दिखाने वालों में से मूर्ति बन कर खड़े रहने वाले भी हैं, जो नये तरीके सोचते हैं कि कैसे भिन्न लगें और साथ ही आप को उन्हें देख कर आनन्द मिले, उनके साथ फोटो खींचवाने का या उनकी फोटो खींचने का मन करे!

Dublino, Irlanda: Tra gli artisti di strada vi sono quelli che diventano statue, e cercano continuamente di sembrare diversi affinché vi fa piacere guardarli, affinché volete farvi fotografare con loro o a fotografarli.


Sunday, 20 December 2015

Bihu girls - Ragazze Bihu - बिहू युवतियाँ

Students, Science college Guwahati, Assam, India
Students, Science college Guwahati, Assam, India
Students, Science college Guwahati, Assam, India

Guwahati, Assam, India: Students from the science and technology college doing the traditional Bihu dance.

गुवाहाटी, असम, भारतः विज्ञान तथा तकनीकी कॉलेज की छात्राओं का पराम्परिक बिहू नृत्य.

Guwahati, Assam, India: Le studentesse della scuola delle scienze durante la danza tradizionale Bihu.


Thursday, 17 December 2015

Green wig - Parrucca verde - हरा विग

Girl with green wig, Par Tot parade, Bologna, Italy - Images by Sunil Deepak
Girl with green wig, Par Tot parade, Bologna, Italy - Images by Sunil Deepak
Girl with green wig, Par Tot parade, Bologna, Italy - Images by Sunil Deepak

Bologna, Italy: A girl puts on a green wig for the Par Tot summer parade.

बोलोनिया, इटलीः "पार तोत" ग्रीष्म ऋतु परेड के लिए हरे विग पहन कर तैयार होने वाली एक युवती.

Bologna, Italia: Una ragazza si mette la parrucca verde per la parata estiva Par Tot.


Sunday, 6 December 2015

Balance - Bilancio - संतुलन

Hojagiri dancers, Tripura, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Hojagiri dancers, Tripura, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Hojagiri dancers, Tripura, India - Images by Sunil Deepak

Tripura, India: In the traditional Hojagiri dance, maintaining the body balance is very important.

त्रिपुरा, भारतः पाराम्परिक होजागिरी नृत्य में शारीरिक संतुलन बनाये रखने का बहुत महत्व है.

Tripura, India: Nella danza tradizionale Hojagiri (Hogiaghiri), mantenere l'equilibrio del corpo è molto importante.


Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Red ribbons - Nastri rossi - लाल रिब्बन

Folk dancers from Dima Hsiao, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Folk dancers from Dima Hsiao, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Folk dancers from Dima Hsiao, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak

Assam, India: Folk dancers from Dima Hsiao district with red ribbons on their heads.

असम, भारतः दीमा ह्स्याओ जिले के सिर पर लाल रिब्बन बाँधे लोक नर्तक.

Assam, India: Danzatori tradizionali dal distretto di Dima Hsiao con i nastri rossi sulle loro teste.


Sunday, 22 November 2015

Fusion Bharatnatyam - मिश्रित भरतनाट्यम

Dance by Maya Dance Theatre in Delhi, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Dance by Maya Dance Theatre in Delhi, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Dance by Maya Dance Theatre in Delhi, India - Images by Sunil Deepak

I had seen the dance performance of Maya Dance Theatre from Singapore in Delhi. Their dance had a nice fusion of contemporary dance and classical Bharatnatyam.

सिंगापुर के माया थियेटर गुट के नृत्य को दिल्ली में देखने का अवसर मिला था. उनके नृत्य में आधुनिक नृत्य तथा पाराम्परिक भरतनाट्यम का सुन्दर सम्मिश्रण था.

Avevo assistito allo spettacolo di danza del gruppo Maya Dance Theatre di Singapore a Delhi. La loro danza aveva mescolato molto bene lo stile di danza moderna alla danza classica Bharatnatyam.


Friday, 20 November 2015

Traditional dresses - Costumi tradizionali - पाराम्परिक वस्त्र

Folk dancers, Romania - Images by Sunil Deepak
Folk dancers, Romania - Images by Sunil Deepak
Folk dancers, Romania - Images by Sunil Deepak

Romanian folk dancers in traditional costumes at the world Expo in Milan.

मिलान में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय एक्सो में रोमेनिया के लोक नर्तक अपनी पाराम्परिक पौशाकों में.

Danzatori folkloristici con i vestiti tradizionali all'Expo di Milano.


Thursday, 12 November 2015

Bollywood dance - Danza di Bollywood - फ़िल्मी नृत्य

Dance, Nandita Saikia, Guwahati, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Dance, Nandita Saikia, Guwahati, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Dance, Nandita Saikia, Guwahati, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak

Guwahati, Assam, India: The girls participating in the beauty contest also had to show their other talents. Nandita Saikia did a Bollywood inspired dance. Some pictures from her performance are presented.

गुवाहाटी, असम, भारतः सौन्दर्य प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेने वाली युवतियों को अपनी अन्य प्रतिभाओं को भी दिखाना था. सुश्री नन्दिता साइकिया ने बॉलीवुड से प्रेरित नृत्य किया, आज उसकी कुछ तस्वीरें.

Guwahati, Assam, India: Le ragazze che partecipano al concorso di bellezza, dovevano mostrare i loro altri talenti. Nandita Saikia presentò una danza ispirata da Bollywood. Alcuni momenti della sua danza nelle immagini di oggi.


Saturday, 7 November 2015

Karbi girls - Ragazze Karbi - कारबी नवयुवतियाँ

Folk-dancers, Karbi Anglong, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Folk-dancers, Karbi Anglong, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Folk-dancers, Karbi Anglong, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak

Assam, India: Young women from Karbi Anglong district, at a folk dance festival.

असम, भारतः कारबी अँगलाँग जिले से एक लोक नृत्य समारोह में भाग लेने आयी कुछ नवयुवतियाँ.

Assam, India: Ragazze dal distretto di Karbi Anglong, ad un festival delle danze popolari.


Friday, 9 October 2015

Folk theatre - Teatro popolare - लोक नाटक

Play Sati Behula by Gunakar Das Goswami, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Play Sati Behula by Gunakar Das Goswami, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Play Sati Behula by Gunakar Das Goswami, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak

Assam, India: Some scenes of the folk theatre "Sati Behula" by Assamese director Gunakar Das Goswami.

असम, भारतः असमिया नाटककार गुणाकर दास गोस्वामी के लोक नाटक "सति बेहुला" के कुछ दृश्य.

Assam, India: Alcune scene del treatro popolare "Sati Behula" del regista assamese Gunakar Das Goswami.


Thursday, 1 October 2015

Siddhi ruckus - Baraonda Siddhi - सिद्धी धमाल

Siddhi dhamal dance from Gujarat, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Siddhi dhamal dance from Gujarat, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Siddhi dhamal dance from Gujarat, India - Images by Sunil Deepak

A dancer from the Siddhi Dhamal dance group from Gujarat. The forefathers of Siddhi community had come to India from the eastern coast of Africa. Their dance has a mixture of their Indian and African heritages.

एक लोक नृत्य कार्यक्रम में गुजरात के सिद्धी धमाल का नर्तक. सिद्धी समुदाय के पूर्वज पूर्वी अफ्रीका से भारत आये थे. उनके नृत्य में भारतीय तथा अफ्रीकी संस्कृति का विमिश्रण हैं.

Un danzatore del gruppo di Siddhi Dhamal dallo stato di Gujarat. I progenitori della comunità dei Siddhi erano venuti in India dalla costa est dell'Africa. La loro danza comprende la loro eredità delle culture indiana e africana.


Sunday, 27 September 2015

Lover boy - Ragazzo amante - प्रेमी युवक

Khmba-Thoibi folkdance, Manipur, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Khmba-Thoibi folkdance, Manipur, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Khmba-Thoibi folkdance, Manipur, India - Images by Sunil Deepak

The Manipuri folk-dance "Khamba-Thoibi" tells the tragic love story of Khamba and Thoibi. They are married after overcoming a lot of difficulties. However, Khamba wants to test his wife's love. He puts on a disguise and tries to force himself on Thoibi. Afraid and angry, she kills him with a spear. Today's pictures show the beautiful costumes of the boys in this dance.

मणिपुर के खम्बा-थोईबी लोकनृत्य में खम्बा और थोईबी की दुखद प्रेमकथा है. बहुत कठिनाईयों के बाद उनका मिलन होता है. लेकिन खम्बा अपनी प्रेमिका के प्रेम की परीक्षा लेना चाहता है. वह भेष बदल कर आता है और थोईबी से जबरदस्ती प्रेम करने की कोशिश करता है. डरी और क्रोधित थोईबी उसे अपने भाले से मार देती है. आज की तस्वीरों में इस नृत्य में युवकों की सुन्दर पौशाकें.

La danza popolare del Manipur, "Khamba-Thoibi" presenta la tragica storia d'amore tra Khamba e Thoibi. Si sposano dopo molte diffcoltà. Ma Khamba vuole verificare l'amore della sua moglie. Si traveste e poi cerca di forzarsi sulla ragazza. Impaurita e arrabbiata lei l'uccide con una lancia. Le immagini di oggi mostrano i belli costumi portati dai ragazzi in questa danza.


Friday, 25 September 2015

Happy person - Persona felice - खुशमिज़ाज

Dev Puja dance from Karnataka, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Dev Puja dance from Karnataka, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Dev Puja dance from Karnataka, India - Images by Sunil Deepak

Guwahati, Assam, India: That young man was part of the Dev Puja folk dance from Karnataka in the India Youth Festival. His role was not important, he just had to stand on one side of the stage with a temple prayer-column. His face expressed joy. Standing at his place, he moved in rhythm with the main dancers on the stage. To find happiness in whatever we get from life, is that something that we are born with or it is something that we choose to be?

गुवाहाटी, असम, भारतः वह नवयुवक भारतीय युवा फेस्टिवल में लोकनृत्यों के कार्यक्रम में  कर्णाटक के देवपूजा नृत्य में था. कुछ विषेश नहीं करना था उसे, बस स्टेज के एक ओर हाथ में मन्दिर के पूजा स्तम्भ ले कर खड़ा होना था. उसके चेहरे से खुशी झलक रही थी. स्टेज पर नाचते मुख्य नर्तकों के साथ साथ वह अपनी जगह पर खड़ा झूम रहा था. जीवन में कुछ भी मिले, उसमें आनन्द खोज लेना, ऐसा स्वभाव हमें किस्मत से मिलता है या हम स्वयं यह चुनते हैं कि हमें कैसा होना है?

Guwahati, Assam, India: Al festival indiano dei giovani, lui era parte di un gruppo dal Karnataka che ballavano la danza Dev Puja. Suo ruolo non era importante, doveva solo stare da una parte sul palcoscenico con una colonna di preghiera del tempio. La sua faccia esprimeva felicità. Insieme ai danzatori principali, stando al suo posto il suo corpo si muoveva in ritmo. La capacità di trovare gioia in quello che riceviamo dalla vita è qualcosa con cui si nasce o siamo noi che la scegliamo?


Saturday, 12 September 2015

Klimt's geisha - Geisha di Klimt - क्लिम्ट की गीशा

Girl painting red flowers on her body, Par Tot parade, Bologna, Italy - Images by Sunil Deepak
Girl painting red flowers on her body, Par Tot parade, Bologna, Italy - Images by Sunil Deepak
Girl painting red flowers on her body, Par Tot parade, Bologna, Italy - Images by Sunil Deepak

Bologna, Italy: The white paint on her face made her seem like a Japanese geisha. She was painting red flowers on her body and somehow that reminded me of the woman in Klimt's painting "The Kiss".

बोलोनिया, इटलीः जापानी गीशा की तरह उसका चेहरा सफेद रंग से पुता था. वह अपनी बाँहों पर लाल रंग के फ़ूल चित्रित कर रही थी, उसे देख कर क्लिम्ट की प्रसिद्ध कलाकृति "चुम्बन" की नायिका की छवि मन में आ रही थी.

Bologna, Italia: Il colore bianco sulla sua faccia la faceva sembrare come una geisha giapponese. Stava dipingendo fiori rossi sul suo corpo e ciò mi fece pensare alla donna del quadro di Klimt, "Il bacio".


Friday, 11 September 2015

Bihu waiting - Attesa al Bihu - बिहू प्रतीक्षा

Young dancers-musicians wait for traditional Bihu festivities, Guwahati, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Young dancers-musicians wait for traditional Bihu festivities, Guwahati, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Young dancers-musicians wait for traditional Bihu festivities, Guwahati, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak

Guwahati, Assam, India: Young dancers & musicians wait for the start of the cultural programme for the Bihu festival.

गुवाहाटी, असम, भारतः बिहू के अवसर पर नृत्य व संगीत कार्यक्रम के प्रारम्भ की प्रतीक्षा में पाराम्परिक पौशाकें पहने किशोर.

Guwahati, Assam, India: Giovani danzatori e musicisti in attesa del inizio del programma culturale per celebrare la festa di Bihu.

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