Till the early parts of last century, when there were no jeeps and trucks, animals played an important role in wars. Horses had played a decisive role in victory of European empires over the anicent cultures of central and south America. Today's images have animals from three world war memorials in - London/UK, Genoa/Italy and Rome/Italy.
पिछली सदी के प्रारम्भ तक, जब जीप और ट्रक नहीं होते थे, युद्धों में पशुओं का बहुत महत्व था. मध्य तथा दक्षिण अमरीका की प्राचीन सभ्यताओं पर यूरोपीय साम्राज्यों की जीत में घोड़ों ने महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभायी थी. आज की तस्वीरों में युद्ध में मरने वाले सिपाहियों की याद में बनाये गये तीन सैनिक स्मारकों में पशु - लंडन/ब्रिटेन, जेनोवा/इटली और रोम/इटली से.
Fino agli inizi dello scorso secolo, quando non vi erano le macchine fuori-strada e i camion, gli animali giocavano un ruolo importante nelle guerre. I cavalli erano stati decisivi nella vittoria degli imperi europei contro le antiche culture del centro e del sud America. Le immagini di oggi hanno gli animali da tre memoriali costruiti per ricordare i soldati morti nelle guerre, sono da - Londra/Inghilterra, Genova/Italia e Roma/Italia.
Nice pictures.
ReplyDeleteThanks Arumugam
DeleteWhen the horse of the warrior in a sculpture has both legs raised then the warrior died in battle. There are other connotations such as when one front leg is raised and when all fours are on the ground but I am not sure what those mean.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that! This tradition is from which part of the world? I have Rani Laxmi Bai's statue, but her horse's legs were on the ground - may be they did not know about the tradition! :)
Deleteआपकी इस उत्कृष्ट प्रविष्टि की चर्चा कल 26/3/13 को चर्चा मंच पर राजेश कुमारी द्वारा की जायेगी आपका स्वागत है ,होली की हार्दिक बधाई स्वीकार करें|
ReplyDeleteधन्यवाद राजेश कुमारी जी और आप को भी होली की बधाई :)
DeleteHorses have done great work in battlefields. I remembered Chetak of Rana Pratap . Thanks ofr sharing these great pics.
ReplyDeleteTravel India
Thanks Vishal, you are right about Rana Pratap's Chetak!
DeleteGreat shots...
ReplyDeleteThank you Ajeeth
DeleteThanks Cifar :)
ReplyDeleteI have recently returned from a tour of Rajasthan, including Udaipur which is full of references to Chetak, Maharana Pratap's horse. In fact, Maharana Pratap and Chetak are mentioned in the same breath.
ReplyDeleteIt is good to see these memorials for war animals as somehow we only look at human losses or capital losses and never at the support provided by these animals.
And of course the civlians who die as collateral damage, no one makes memorials for them also!
ReplyDeleteधन्यवाद संजय :)