Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Narrow streets - Viuzze strette - तंग गलियाँ

Narrow streets, old city, Jerusalem, Israel - Images by Sunil Deepak, 2014
Narrow streets, old city, Jerusalem, Israel - Images by Sunil Deepak, 2014
Narrow streets, old city, Jerusalem, Israel - Images by Sunil Deepak, 2014

Jersalem, Israel: The stairs in the narrow streets that go up and down the hills of the old city, have little slopes for the passage of bicycles and motor-cycles.

जेरूसलम, ईज़राइलः पुराने शहर की पहाड़ियों पर चढ़ती उतरती तंग गलियों की सीढ़ियों पर साइकलों और मोटरसाइकलों के उतरने के लिए छोटी छोटी ढलानें भी बनी हैं.

Gerusalemme, Israele: Gli scalini delle strette viuzze che salgono e scendono sulle collinette della vecchia città hanno le piccole discese per facilitare il passaggio delle bici e delle moto.



  1. Beautiful images. Jerusalem is one of the places I really want to visit, but also one of my more difficult dreams to achieve, as I see it.

    1. Dreams are wonderful if they are fulfilled, sometimes they are even better if not fulfilled! Best of luck :)

  2. हमने अपनी आबादी व विकास को इतना बड़ा कर लिया है कि गलियाँ तंग लगने लगी है.

    1. बिल्कुल ठीक कहा संजय, जब दुनिया बदली है तो गलियाँ संकरी हो गयी हैं! :))

  3. Nice to see the slopes so that people can use for their bikes. Not sure why we can't have those in most of the hill stations in India

  4. Thanks Sabyasachi. I agree with you it would be so easy to do it and it would make people's lives so much easier! :)


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