Monday 23 December 2013

Roman amphitheatre - Anfiteatro romano - रोमन नाट्यशाला

Ruins Roman amphitheatre, Athens, Greece - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013
Ruins Roman amphitheatre, Athens, Greece - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013
Ruins Roman amphitheatre, Athens, Greece - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013

Europe: Signs of Roman empire are common in countries of Europe and around the Mediterranean. Common among these signs are circular or oval Roman amphitheaters where they had gladiator fights full of blood and gore, and the chariot races. In empire building, along the military might, spread of cultural ideas of dominating people has played an important role. Today's images have the ruins of Roman amphitheaters from Greece, France and Italy.

यूरोपः रोमन साम्राज्य के निशान यूरोप व भूमध्यसागर के आसपास के बहुत से देशों में मिलते हैं विषेशकर रोमन शैली की गोलाकार नाट्यशालाएँ जहाँ खून से रंगी मार धाड़ तथा रथों की दौड़ जैसे कार्यक्रम होते थे. साम्राज्य के विस्तार में युद्ध शक्ति के साथ ताकतवर देश की संस्कृति का योगदान महत्वपूर्ण रहा है. आज की तस्वीरों में प्राचीन रोमन नाट्यशालओं के भगन्वषेश ग्रीस, फ्राँस व इटली से.

Europa: Gli segni dell'impero romano sono sparsi in diversi paesi dell'Europa e intorno al mare mediterraneo. Tra questi segni, sono comuni gli anfiteatri romani di forma circolare o ovale, dove avenivano le lotte dei gladiatori, piene di sangue e di violenza, e le gare delle carrozze. Nell'espansione degli imperi, accanto al potere militare, diffusione della cultura dei popoli dominanti ha giocato un ruolo importante. Le immagini di oggi hanno le rovine degli anfiteatri romani dalla Grecia, dalla Francia e dall'Italia.



Daily 3 new images from around the world with a brief reflection in English, Hindi and Italian - Thanks in advance for your comments - Grazie in anticipo per i vostri commenti - आप की टिप्पणियों के लिए धन्यवाद

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