Lausanne, Switzerland: There was a period, between 1912 and 1948, when art competitions were part of the Olympic games. These art competitions were organised in 5 domains - architecture, literature, music, paintings and sculptures. You can see some of the olympic award winning sculptures in the gardens of the international Olympic museum. Over the past few weeks I have shown some of them on this blog. Today's images are also of an olympic award winner sculpture. The original sculpture of wrestlers was by Hungerian artist Milthiades Manno and it had received second prize in 1932 Olympic games, while the images shown above are of a copy in bigger size by Hungerian artist Ibolya Torok.
लोज़ान, स्विट्ज़रलैंडः एक समय था, सन 1912 से 1948 के बीच, जब कला प्रतियोगिताएँ भी ओलिम्पिक खेलों का हिस्सा होती थीं. इन कला प्रतियागिताओं में पाँच विधाएँ थीं - वास्तुशास्त्र, साहित्य, संगीत, चित्रकला तथा शिल्पकला. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ओलिम्पक संग्रहालय में शिल्पकला विधा में ओलिम्पिक पुरस्कार पानी वाली शिल्पकला के कुछ नमूने देखे जा सकते हैं. पिछले कुछ दिनों में इस ब्लाग पर मैंने इनकी कुछ तस्वीरें प्रस्तुत की हैं. आज की तस्वीरें भी ऐसी ही एक कला को प्रदर्शित करती हैं. कुश्ती करने वालों की इस मूर्ति को मूल रूप से हँगरी के मिल्थियाडेस मन्नो ने बनाया था तथा इसे 1932 के ओलिम्पिक खेलों में दूसरा स्थान मिला था. तस्वीरों की मूर्ति उसी मूल कलाकृति की बड़े आकार की नकल है जिसे हँगरी के इबोल्या टूरुक ने बनाया है.
Losanna, Svizzera: C'era un periodo, tra il 1912 e il 1948, quando anche l'arte faceva parte dei giochi olimpici. I concorsi legati all'arte erano organizzati in 5 aree - architettura, letteratura, musica, dipinti e sculture. Potete vedere alcune sculture premiate ai giochi olimpici nei giardini del museo olimpico internazionale. Nei giorni scorsi ho presentato alcune foto di queste sculture su questo blog. Anche le immagini di oggi sono di una scultura olimpica - l'originale era dell'artista ungherese Milthiades Manno e aveva vinto il secondo premio ai giochi olimpici del 1932. Le scultura delle immagini è una copia in formato più grande dell'artista ungherese Ibolya Torok.
Sunil the collection is so majestic. There must be more of such sculptures elsewhere connected with Olympics, no?
Thanks Richa. The Olympic art collection is very beautiful. Probably they have more examples inside the Olympic museum - I did not have enough time to actually visit it!
Deleteसुन्दर और प्रेरणादायक ! गजब की मूर्तिकला है स्विट्ज़रलैंड की !
ReplyDeleteधन्यवाद योगी :)
DeleteGrazie bla78, anche per la segnalazione del contesto Muro :)