Majuli, Assam, India: The traditional theatre Bhaona presents the stories of Ram and Krishan written by 16th century social and religious reformer Srimanta Shankerdev. In this theatre all the roles are played by men. Theatre starts with Sattriya men who sing the story accompanied by the beats of their drums and this part is called "Gayan Bayan". Today's images have the Sattriya story tellers of Bhaona theatre.
माजुलि, असम, भारतः भाओना पाराम्परिक नाटकों में राम तथा कृष्ण की कहानियों का चित्रण होता है, जिन्हें सोलहवीं शताब्दी में असमिया धर्मसुधारक श्रीमन्त शंकरदेव ने लिखा था. इन नाटकों में केवल पुरुष अभिनेता होते हैं. नाटक का प्रारम्भ करते हैं सत्रिया युवक जो ढोलक की थाप के साथ कथा को गा कर सुनाते हैं, इस हिस्से को "गायन बायन" कहते हैं. आज की तस्वीरों में बाहोना नाटक के सत्रिया कथाकार हैं.
Majuli, Assam, India: Il teatro tradizionale Bhaona presenta le storie di Ram e Krishna scritte dal riformatore sociale e religioso Srimanta Shankerdev nel 16° secolo. Tutti gli attori di questo teatro sono maschi. Il teatro è iniziato da un gruppo di uomini Sattriya che cantano la storia accompagnati dal battito dei loro tamburi e questa parte si chiama "Gayan Bayan". Le immagini di oggi hanno questi racconta storie Sattriya del teatro Bhaona.
वाह !
ReplyDeleteइस वाह के लिए धन्यवाद सुशील :)
DeleteThis is indeed a country of such vibrant storytellers! Nice captures.
ReplyDeleteThanks Beloo.
DeleteFar away forgotten corners of India hide beautiful gems of traditions. It is a pity that so many of them are neglected and people dedicating their lives to those traditions live lives of poverty.