Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Chinese dancers - Danzatrici cinesi - चीनी नर्तकियाँ

Folk dancers, Yunnan, China - images by Sunil Deepak, 2007
Folk dancers, Yunnan, China - images by Sunil Deepak, 2007
Folk dancers, Yunnan, China - images by Sunil Deepak, 2007

Kunming, Yunnan, China: Whenever I watch a programme of folkdances, I wonder if somewhere people do those dances in some villages or these are only for tourists?

कुन्मिंग, युनान, चीनः जब भी लोकनर्तकों का कार्यक्रम देखता हूँ तो सोचता हूँ क्या कहीं पर सचमुच के लोग गावों में नाचते होंगे या यह नृत्य केवल पर्यटकों के लिए किये जाते हैं?

Kunming, Yunnan, Cina: Quando assisto ai programmi di danze folkloristiche mi domando se da qualche parte le persone ballano queste danze in qualche villaggio o sono solo per i turisti?



  1. Replies
    1. धन्यवाद भारतीय नागरिक :)

  2. Beautiful!
    Let's hope that these arts still exist in the villages. Tourism should get some credit for keeping some ethnic dance forms alive (all over the world).

    1. Thanks D. In the end, I think that I agree with you that at least because of tourism, something is kept alive. I wish that people feel pride in their traditions and keep them alive for themselves, but in a globalising world such wishes are difficult to keep! :)

  3. I think it varies by place. In China I think most of their traditional culture is being kept alive more as a kind of zoo than as a way of life. I'm reading a book about people trying to authentically preserve their music and culture there. The authorities are interested only insofar as it might make money it seems.
    In Thailand I've stumbled across local festivals where people have been performing the local dances. There was a stage, bright lights and a lengthy awards ceremony, but it was at least for themselves to enjoy, not tourists.
    In Scotland (where I'm from) people still have ceilidh's (traditional dance/party), especially at weddings.

    Beautiful name for your website by the way.
    Mine: cmayforbes.com

    1. Thanks cmay_not. At night in one small place in Yunnan, I saw a group of an ethnic minority group doing their traditional songs and dances, though they did not have such nice costumes and only a few old instruments. That experience is like your's in Thailand .. I think that if we look at our own traditions and how we are keeping them, we get a better understanding of how they work and how we keep them ..


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