Wednesday 30 January 2013

Models - Modelli - प्रेरणा

Statues, Villa Borghese, Rome, Italy - S. Deepak, 2013
Statues, Villa Borghese, Rome, Italy - S. Deepak, 2013
Statues, Villa Borghese, Rome, Italy - S. Deepak, 2013

Rome, Italy: When I see old statues, often I want to ask if someone had modelled for this statue or it was copied from older statues by the sculptor? The half-bust statue in the first image belongs to a real person, perhaps to the father or grandfather of the person who had built this building, since it is made in typical memorial style. Rest of the statues have Christian saints or ancient Greek gods and godesses.

रोम, इटलीः जब पुरानी मूर्तियाँ को देखता हूँ तो अक्सर मन में प्रश्न उठता है कि इस मूर्ति की प्रेरणा क्या कोई सचमुच का व्यक्ति था या फ़िर शिल्पकार ने अन्य पुरानी मूर्तियों से प्रेरणा ले कर इसे बनाया? पहली तस्वीर में शरीर के ऊपरी हिस्से वाली मूर्ति सचमुच के व्यक्ति की है, शायद भवन बनवाने वाले के पिता या दादा की, क्योंकि उसे श्रद्धाजँलि देने की शैली में बनाया गया है. बाकि सभी मूर्तियों में ईसाई सन्त या ग्रीक मिथकों के देवी देवता हैं.

Roma, Italia: Quando guardo le vecchie statue, spesso mi chiedo se qualcuno aveva fatto da modello per lo scultore o erano le copie di sculture esistenti? Penso che il mezzo busto della prima immagine appartiene ad una persona realmente esistita, forse il padre o il nonno della persona che l'aveva fatto costruire perché sembra fatta in stile memoriale. Le altre statue sembrano dei santi cristiani o antichi dee e dei della mitologia greca.



  1. सुन्दर शिल्प. नाक व आँखें खंडित हो गई है. :(

    1. वक्त ने किया क्या हसीं सितम :)

  2. Replies
    1. धन्यवाद अनुराग

      बिना शिल्पकार के इन पत्थरों की बोली भिन्न होती! :)

  3. What a lovely blog you have. It is a pleasure to be sifting through its pages. Glad to have found you. Salutazioni!

  4. These sculptures have captured a bygone era. It is really interesting knowing the inspiration behind each work of art.

    1. Thanks Sabyasachi. It is not alwyas possible to find the inspiration behind each artwork, but when we do know it, it adds to our appreciation of the art :)


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