Tuesday 14 February 2012

Ice daggers - Coltelli ghiacciati - बर्फ़ीले खँजर

Ice daggers, Bologna winter 2012 - S. Deepak
Ice daggers, Bologna winter 2012 - S. Deepak
Ice daggers, Bologna winter 2012 - S. Deepak

Bologna, Italy: Perhaps you remember the scene from Kamalahasan's famous film "Pushpak" where the killer tries to murder with an ice-knife? Due to intense cold, water dripping down from the roofs has frozen and made similar knifes that can actually kill. Yesterday, after weeks of snow, a shining sun came out so everyone was worried that these ice daggers can fall on someone's head and thus people were trying to break them with sticks.

बोलोनिया, इटलीः शायद आप को कमलाहसन की प्रसिद्ध फ़िल्म "पुष्पक" का वह दृष्य याद हो जिसमें खूनी बर्फ के चाकू से खून करने की कोशिश करता है? सर्दी के मारे छत से टपकने वाला पानी जम कर कुछ उसी तरह के चाकू बन गये हैं जो अगर किसी पर गिर जायें तो उसकी जान भी ले सकते हैं. कल दो सप्ताह के हिमपात के बाद बढ़िया धूप निकली तो सबको चिन्ता हो रही थी कि बर्फ़ीले खँजर टूट के किसी के सिर पर न गिरें, इसलिए लम्बे डँडे से इन्हें तोड़ने के प्रयास कर रहे थे.

Bologna, Italia: Forse vi ricorderete della scena del famoso film di Kamalahasan, "Pushpak", dove l'assassino cerca di uccidere con un coltello di ghiaccio? L'intenso freddo di questi giorni aveva costruito simili coltelli che pendano dai bordi degli soffitti e che cadendo possono causare danni mortali. Ieri, dopo 2 settimane di neve, è uscito il sole luccicante e la gente era preoccupata che questi coltelli di ghiaccio potevano cadere sulla testa di qualcuno, per cui tutti cercavano di romperli con i bastoni.



  1. A rare capture with a sensational title again!

  2. Frozen Knives. That is indeed appropriate. I especially like the first image. Thanks for sharing and a have very special Valentines Day :)


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