Goias Velho, Brazil: When I first saw Tucano birds, I thought they were not real birds. With long and strange looking bright yellow or orange beak, blue or purple eyes, shining black on the back with bright red underneath, Tucano looks as if an artist made them from fantasy.
गोयास वेल्यो, ब्राज़ीलः ब्राज़ीली पक्षी तुकानो को देखो को विश्वास नहीं होता कि सचमुच का पक्षी है. लगता है कि इतनी लम्बी अज़ीब सी पीली या संतरी रंग की चोंच, नीली या जामुनी आँखें, पीठ पर चमकीले काले पँख, जिनके नीचे से झाँकते लाल रंग के पँख, यह सब प्राकृतिक नहीं हो सकता किसी कलाकार ने अपनी कल्पना से बनाया होगा.
Goias Velho, Brasile: Quando ho visto i tucani per la prima volta, ho pensato che non fosse uccelli veri. Il becco lungo e strano di un giallo o arancio vivace, azzurro o viola intorno agli occhi, un nero scintillante sul dorso e un rosso vivo sotto, sembrano essere usciti dalla fantasia un artista.
toucans always remind me of our hornbills... have you seen one? the great malabar hornbills are beautiful. toucans and hornbills look similar though they are not related.
Thanks Roxy for pointing that out - After reading your comment, I googled to look for pictures of Hornbills. They do look like Tucano.