Wednesday 28 July 2010

Fearless - Senza paura - निडर

Austria, Graz, practicing windsurf in river
Austria, Graz, practicing windsurf in river
Austria, Graz, practicing windsurf in river

Graz, Austria: Below the current of river was very fast. When we saw the boys tying rope on the bridge, I thought that they were going to jump down. When we asked them, they laughed and said it was for practicing windsurf.

ग्राज़, ओस्ट्रियाः नीचे नदी की धार बहुत तेज़ थी. पुल पर युवकों को रस्सी बाँधते देखा तो सोचा शायद नीचे छलाँग लगाने वाले हैं, पूछा तो हँसने लगे, बोले नहीं यह तो विंडसर्फ के अभ्यास के लिए बाँध रहे हैं ताकि तेज़ बहती धार पर कैसे संतुलन बनाया जाये इसमें निपुण हो सकें.

Graz, Austria: Sotto, la corrente dell'acqua era molto veloce. Quando abbiamo visto i ragazzai fissare la corda al ponte, abbiamo pensato che volevano saltare giù. Quando gli abbiamo chiesto, si sono messi a ridere e hanno detto che era per fare la pratica di windsurf.


  1. These well-fed able bodied youngsters do not need to put themselves in danger, but they do representing Man's eternal quest for victory over nature .
    Do they indulge in these death-defying sports in affluent Arab world as well ?
    Since u travel across globe pls. do let me know whenever u can !

  2. I can't say Munish since I have never been to any Arab country. लेकिन मेरे विचार में सारी दुनिया के नवजवानों में इस तरह की निडरता होती है, जीवन का भय तो समय के साथ ही बढ़ता है.

  3. नौजवान गलत नहीं कर रहे है. थम्स-अप.

    अगर शराब या ड्रग लेते है तो गलत होता है. यह तो साहस है.

  4. हाँ अंधाधूध मोटरसायकिल चलाना साहस नहीं है. अपनी व दूसरों की जान खतरे में डालना है.


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