Friday, 30 July 2010

Sanatan - सनातन

Painting exhibition by Brazilian artist Sanatan in Contemporary art museum of Goiania in Brazil
Painting exhibition by Brazilian artist Sanatan in Contemporary art museum of Goiania in Brazil
Painting exhibition by Brazilian artist Sanatan in Contemporary art museum of Goiania in Brazil

Goiania, Brazil: In the modern art museum, there was an exhibition of a Brazilian artist called Sanatan. From his name I could see that he is influenced by India. His painting world is very much linked to nature with lot of greens, plants, rivers and colourful birds. There was also an installation showing him as a yoga guru (I was told that when sun comes behind it, it gets "lit", but I couldn't go back in the afternoon to see that).

गोयानिया, ब्राज़ीलः आधुनिक कला संग्रहालय में एक ब्राज़ीली चित्रकार सनातन की प्रदर्शनी देखने का मौका मिला. उनके नाम से ही समझ सकते हैं कि वे भारत से प्रभावित हैं. उनके चित्रों में प्रकृति, पेड़, नदियाँ, रंग बिरंगे पक्षी और हरा रंग सर्वप्रधान हैं. प्रदर्शनी में योगमुद्रा में उनकी तस्वीर भी थी (संग्रहालय वाली एक युवती ने बताया कि वह तस्वीर दोपहर में सूरज पीछे आने से रोशनी से भर जाती है, लेकिन मेरे पास दोपहर को लौटना मुमकिन नहीं था)

Goiania, Brasile: Al museuo dell'arte moderna, sono andato a vedere una mostra di quadri del artista brasiliano Sanatan.Dal suo nome avevo capito che è influenzato dall'India. Il suo lavoro è dominato dalla natura e dal verde con alberi, fiumi, e uccellini colorati. C'era anche un'installazione, con lui vestito da un guru di yoga (mi hanno detto che quando il sole arriva dietro la sua immagine, si "accende" tutto, ma non potevo tornare in pomeriggio per vederlo).


  1. क्या बात है। भारतीयता का रंग दूर दूर तक है....


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