Tuesday 2 June 2015

Siliguri memories - Ricordi di Siliguri - सिलीगुड़ी की यादें

NJP station, Siliguri, West Bengal, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
NJP station, Siliguri, West Bengal, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
NJP station, Siliguri, West Bengal, India - Images by Sunil Deepak

Siliguri, West Bengal, India: I was back there after fifty years and the city was completely changed. But some of my memories were still fresh. The big house where I was so afraid of the heads of tigers and antelopes on the walls. Stories about ghosts and witches that made my heart beat with anxiety. Walks along Teesta river. Bittu and Neena, our playmates from my uncle's family, who are no more. And, most of all, my young cousin Baby who had died under a truck while crossing the street.

सिलीगुड़ी, पश्चिम बँगाल, भारतः पचास साल के बाद वहाँ लौटा था, और शहर बिल्कुल बदल गया था. पर मेरी कुछ यादें अब भी ताज़ा थीं. वह बड़ा घर जिसमें लगे चीतों और बाराहसिंगों के सिर मुझे डरावने लगते थे. रात को सुनाने वाली भूतों चुड़ेलों की कहानियाँ जिनसे दिल धकधक करता था. तीस्ता नदी के किनारे घूमना. मौसा के परिवार से बचपन के खेल के साथी बिट्टू और नीना जो अब नहीं रहे. और सबसे अधिक, सड़क पार करते हुए ट्रक के नीचे आकर मरने वाली मेरी छोटी सी मौसेरी बहन बेबी.

Siliguri, Bengala ovest, India: Ero tornato là dopo 50 anni e la città era completamente cambiata. Ma alcune delle mie memorie erano ancora fresche. La grande casa dove avevo paura delle teste di tigri e antilopi appese sui muri. I racconti degli spiriti e delle streghe che facevano battere il mio cuore dal terrore. Le passeggiate lungo il fiume Teesta. Bittu e Neena, i nostri compagni dei giochi dalla famiglia di mio zio, che non vi sono più. E più di tutto, la mia giovane cugina Baby, morta sotto un camion mentre attraversava la strada.


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