Monday, 13 April 2015

Elephant bath - Bagno degli elefanti - हाथी स्नान

Bath domesticated elephants, Kaziranga, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Bath domesticated elephants, Kaziranga, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak
Bath domesticated elephants and forest fires, Kaziranga, Assam, India - Images by Sunil Deepak

Assam, India: Going around on elephants in the Kaziranga protected forest is very popular among tourists. Thus, they have some domesticated elephants. February is also the period when they start burning the tall elephant grass in the forest so that life-giving new grass can come out. Today's images have the morning bathing-cleaning rituals for the domesticated elephants, while in the background you can see the forest fires.

असम, भारतः काज़ीरंगा के संरक्षित वन में हाथी पर बैठ कर सैर करना पर्यटकों में बहुत लोकप्रिय है. इसके लिए वहाँ कुछ पालतू हाथी हैं. फरवरी के माह में काज़ीरंगा की ऊँची हाथीघास को जलाने का समय भी है जिससे वन में जीवनदायी नयी घास उगती है. आज की तस्वीरों में काज़ीरंगा के पालतू हाथियों का सुबह नहलाने धुलाने का कार्यक्रम तथा पीछे जंगल में लगी आग की लपटें.

Assam, India: E' molto popolare tra i turisti visitare la foresta protetta di Kaziranga seduti sugli elefanti. Per questo hanno alcuni elefanti addomesticati. Febbraio è anche il mese quando cominciano a bruciare l'alta "erba dell'elefante" affinché possa nascere la nuova erba necessaria per la vita degli animali. Le immagini di oggi hanno i bagni e la pulizia degli elefanti addomesticati, mentre sullo sfondo si vedono le fiamme che bruciano l'erba.



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