Saturday 27 December 2014

Roman philosophers - Filosofi romani - रोमन दर्शनकार

Statues, Parliament, Vienna, Austria - Images by Sunil Deepak, 2013
Statues, Parliament, Vienna, Austria - Images by Sunil Deepak, 2013
Statues, Parliament, Vienna, Austria - Images by Sunil Deepak, 2013

Vienna, Austria: Built in the second half of 19th century, the parliament building is influenced by the classical Greek and Roman architecture. On both sides of the entrance, there are statues of Roman philosophers and historians. Not just Austria, for all of western Europe, Romans and Greeks times are considered to be the roots of their civilization.

वियेना, आस्ट्रियाः उन्नीसवीं शताब्दी के उत्तरार्ध में बना यहाँ का संसद भवन प्राचीन ग्रीक व रोमन वास्तुशिल्प से प्रभावित है जिसमें अन्दर जाने के मार्ग के दोनो ओर प्रसिद्ध रोमन दर्शनकारों तथा इतिहासकारों की मूर्तियाँ बनी हैं. केवल आस्ट्रिया ही नहीं, पूरे पश्चिमी यूरोप ने ग्रीक तथा रोमन समय से ही प्रेरणा ली है.

Vienna, Austria: Costruito nella seconda meta del 19° secolo, l'edificio del parlamento è influenzato dalla architettura classica greco-romana. Ai lati delle entrate, vi sono le statue dei filosofi e degli storici romani. Non solo Austria, ma tutta l'Europa occidentale considera l'epoca greco-romana come la base della sua civiltà.



  1. बहुत बहुत सुन्दर ....आभार ..

    1. धन्यवाद कविता जी :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Kalpana, it is a little melodramatic for a modern building but very beautiful :)


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