Monday, 8 July 2013

The dog fountain - La fontana del cane - कुत्ते का फुव्वारा

Fountain by Mimmo Paladino, Giardino del Cavaticcio, Bologna, Italy - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013
Fountain by Mimmo Paladino, Giardino del Cavaticcio, Bologna, Italy - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013
Fountain by Mimmo Paladino, Giardino del Cavaticcio, Bologna, Italy - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013

Bologna, Italy: The port on Navile canal in Bologna was built in 1548. Then times changed and slowly people stopped using the boats and people forgot that there used to be a port in the city. A few years ago, a garden was built in that place and the fountain of that garden is the subject of today's images. Made by the sculptor Mimmo Paladino, it has a round disc with a man on one side and an animal head on the other, from which the water comes out. I don't know which animal wanted to show the sculptor, I call it "the dog fountain".

बोलोनिया, इटलीः सन 1548 में बोलोनिया में नवीले नहर पर शहर का बन्दरगाह बनाया गया. फ़िर समय बदला, नदियों पर यात्रा करना कम हो गया. धीरे धीरे लोग भूल गये कि शहर में एक बन्दरगाह भी होती थी. कुछ वर्ष पहले उस पुरानी बन्दरगाह को नया बाग बना दिया गया, जिसमें बना फुव्वारा आज की तस्वीरों का विषय है. शिल्पकार मिम्मो पालादीनो की बनायी इस कलाकृति में एक चक्र बना है जिसके एक ओर मानव है दूसरी ओर पशु जिसके मुख से जल की धार निकलती है. मालूम नहीं कि शिल्पकार कौन सा पशु दिखाना चाहता था, मैं तो इसे "कुत्ते का फुव्वारा" कहता हूँ.

Bologna, Italia: Il porto sul canale Navile fu costruito nel 1548. Poi i tempi cambiarono, la gente ha smesso di viaggiare sul canale, e le persone hanno dimenticato che c'era un porto nella città. Qualche anno fa, hanno creato un giardino in quel luogo e la fontana di quel giardino è il soggetto delle mie immagini di oggi. Costruito dallo scultore Mimmo Paladino, la scultura ha un disco in mezzo, con un uomo da una parte e la testa di un animale dall'altra, dalla cui bocca esce fuori l'acqua. Non so quale animale voleva rappresentare lo scultore, io la chiama "la fontana del cane".



  1. Lovely images. I'm not sure that's a dog. Could be a horse, or even a cow. But I don't mind it being a dog - they're such a wonderful species aren't they?

    1. I feel that it could a bear but then as you say, it does not matter :)

      Thanks Kalpana

  2. 'कुत्ते का फव्वारा' सुन्दर है..

    1. धन्यवाद प्रशांत


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