Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Window - Finestra - खिड़की

Lago Maggiore seen from train, Italy - S. Deepak, 2011
Lago Maggiore seen from train, Italy - S. Deepak, 2011
Lago Maggiore seen from train, Italy - S. Deepak, 2011

Italy: Some places we see many times from the windows of a moving train or a bus and tell ourselves that we want to visit it, but then we never get around to actually do that. Today's images have the Lago Maggiore lake in north Italy, that I must have seen through the train windows at least 20-25 times, and every time I think like that, but I have never visited it.

इटलीः किसी किसी जगह को रेलगाड़ी की या बस की खिड़की से बहुत बार देखा होता है, मन में यह भावना भी होती है कि कितनी सुन्दर जगह है, अवश्य उसे देखने आयेंगे, लेकिन उसे देखने आने का मौका नहीं मिलता. आज की तस्वीरों में रेल की खिड़की से दिखती उत्तरी इटली की लागो माज्जोरे झील, जिसे बीस पच्चीस बार इसी तरह रेल की खिड़की से देख कर हर बार यही सोचा है, पर अब तक वहाँ जा कर देखा नहीं.

Italia: Alcuni posti, li vediamo dalla finestra di un treno o di un autobus e pensiamo che sembra un bel posto e che un giorno verrò qui per visitarlo, invece non hai mai questa opportunità. Le foto di oggi hanno il lago maggiore visto dalle finestre di un treno, che ho visto così almeno 20-25 volte e ogni volta ho pensato che mi piacerebbe venire a visitarlo, ma ancora non sono riuscito a farlo.



  1. बस वही बात कहनी है जो संजय जी कह गये...यानि नीला आकाश.....

  2. The first one looks like some village in India! Nice imagery and thoughts.

  3. The first one looks like some village in India! Nice imagery and thoughts.

  4. Thanks - धन्यवाद आप सब को :)

  5. i want to visit italy so much! and the blue skies...i wonder why the sky is not this blue in india :|

  6. @Chintan - may be it has to do with strong sunlight so that sky looks paler in India - but I remember places in India with beautiful blue skies so may be it has also to do with smog in the big cities?

    BTW, Italy is very beautiful and worth visiting.

  7. These pictures are like postcards.

    which camera do you use?

  8. Thanks Divenita. I use a Nikon D40 that I had bought in 2009.

  9. Nice shots... blue sky and greenery is so beautiful..

  10. Lovely pics...the blue skies are just breathtaking :)

  11. These images are really beautiful. But Sunil, I have to ask if these taken from a running train? They just look great!!

  12. Thanks to everyone - yes Neeraazz, they are indeed from a moving train - so I focused on the island in the distance, so blurring is less ..

  13. Beautiful Pictures Sunilji. Aap jald hi wahan ho aana. Thoda samay bana lijiye.

    Actually two constraints may be there for any person in visiting such places we wish to. One is time the other is money. If one can afford it then he should make some time for it.

    \Ms Sharma


Daily 3 new images from around the world with a brief reflection in English, Hindi and Italian - Thanks in advance for your comments - Grazie in anticipo per i vostri commenti - आप की टिप्पणियों के लिए धन्यवाद

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