Tuesday 11 January 2011

Memories - Ricordi - यादें

Municple art collection museum, Bologna, Italy
Municple art collection museum, Bologna, Italy
Municple art collection museum, Bologna, Italy

Bologna, Italy: That clock that you had hated when it had sounded the allarm early in the morning, that table where you had cried while reading that letter, that cupboard where you had carefully put the ironed clothes, that chair, where you had sat down to cut the nails of the feet, all your small and big things if they are put in a museum, how would you feel? Even if I don't think that any museum would want my table and chairs, still I don't like the idea of strangers looking at my personal things! Today's images are from the municple art museum.

बोलोनिया, इटलीः वह घड़ी जिसके अलार्म बजने पर आप ने गुस्से से करवट बदल ली थी, वह मेज़ जहाँ बैठ कर आँसू बहाते हुए वह पत्र पढ़ा था, वह अलमारी जहाँ प्यार से प्रैस किये हुएँ कपड़े तरतीब से रखे थे, वह कुर्सी जिस पर बैठ कर पाँवों के नाखून काटे थे, सब छोटी बड़ी चीज़ें एक दिन किसी संग्रहालय में रख दी जायें, तो आप को कैसा लगेगा? हाँलाकि मेरी अलमारी या कुर्सी ऐसी नहीं कि कोई संग्रहालय उन्हें रखना चाहेगा, लेकिन मैं चाहूँगा भी नहीं कि मेरी चीज़ें इस तरह से रखी जायें और अनजान लोग उन्हें देखें. आज की तस्वीरें बोलोनिया नगरपालिका के कला संग्रहालय से.

Bologna, Italia: Quell'orologio che avevate odiato per vi svegliava presto alla mattina, quel tavolo dove avevate pianto mentre leggevate una lettera, quel armadio dove avevate sistemato con cura i vestiti, quella sedia dove vi eravate seduti per farvi tagliare le unghie dei piedi, se un giorno tutto diventa parte di un museo, come vi sentireste? Non penso che un museo vorrà prendere il mio tavolo o la mia sedia, ma non mi piace l'idea che gli sconosciuti guardano le mie cose personali! Le immagini di oggi sono dal collezione municipale dell'arte di Bologna.


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