Bologna, Italy: Every religion gives importance to some religious centres built in difficult to reach places in the mountains and hills. We feel that to reach God we must face suffering. Often people do such journeys when they want to ask a favour to the God or they want to thank God for having their wish fulfilled. Bologna also has such a pilgrimage centre, it is the San Luca church on a hill near Bologna. When you can't breathe and your body aches, it is easy to think of God.
Bologna, Italia: Tutte le religioni danno importanza ai centri di preghiera situati in montagne e nei posti difficili da raggiungere. Pensiamo che soltanto tramite sofferenza troveremo il Dio. Qualche volta si va a visitare questi posti per chiedere un favore o per ringraziare. Anche Bologna ha un luogo così, la chiesa di San Luca, situato su una collina vicino alla città. Quando fai fatica a respirare e il tuo corpo fa male, è facile ricordare il Dio.
आकाश छूते देवस्थल ऐसे लगते है जैसे वहाँ पहूँच कर ईश्वर के निकट पहूँच गए. एक कारण यह भी है.
ReplyDeleteवर्णन और तस्वीरें वाक़ई उम्दा हैं। आपकें चिठ्ठेंपर आ कर मन हमेशा प्रसन्न होता है। शुक्रिया।
ReplyDeleteदेवस्थलों को शायद इसीलिये दूर पहाडियों पर बनाया जाता है ताकि दर्शनार्थी को पता चले कि मानसिक शांति पाने के लिये कुछ खोना पडता है।
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