फ्लोरेंस, इटलीः भव्य शहर है फ्लोरेंस जिसे इटली के लोग फिरेंत्ज़े कहते हैं. मध्ययुगीन भवनों, मूर्तियों, कवियों और कलाकारों का शहर, शाम की रोशनियाँ के जलने से और भी सुंदर लगता है. फ्लोरेंस की नदी का नाम है आर्नो, जिसपर बने सबसे पुराने पुल को कहते हैं "पोंते वेक्कियो" यानी, "पुराना पुल". आज जो पुल दिखता है वह सन 1345 में बनाया गया था जब बाढ़ में इससे पहले का पुल नष्ट हो गया था. पुल के दोनो ओर दुकाने हैं जिनमें अधिकतर सोने, चाँदी के गहनों का काम होता है.
Florence, Italy: Florence is a magnificent city. Italians call it Firenze. I think of it as the city of medieval houses, statues, poets and artists. In the evening lights, the city looks even more beautiful. Arno is the river of Florence and the oldest bridge on Arno is called Ponte Vecchio (literally "old bridge") The present bridge was built in 1345. There are shops on the two sides of the bridge, most of them selling gold and jewellary.
Firenze, Italia: il fiume Arno, il ponte vecchio e la piazza dei signori alla sera.
Florence, Italy: Florence is a magnificent city. Italians call it Firenze. I think of it as the city of medieval houses, statues, poets and artists. In the evening lights, the city looks even more beautiful. Arno is the river of Florence and the oldest bridge on Arno is called Ponte Vecchio (literally "old bridge") The present bridge was built in 1345. There are shops on the two sides of the bridge, most of them selling gold and jewellary.
Firenze, Italia: il fiume Arno, il ponte vecchio e la piazza dei signori alla sera.

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