Saturday, 31 March 2012

Steps - Scale - सीढ़ियाँ

Hampi stepped tank, Bellary, Karnataka, India - S. Deepak, 2011
Hampi stepped tank, Bellary, Karnataka, India - S. Deepak, 2011
Hampi stepped tank, Bellary, Karnataka, India - S. Deepak, 2011

Hampi, India: When I saw the water tank with five levels of steps in Hampi, I remembered a similar water tank from Rajasthan, shown in the Hindi film "Paheli". I had also seen images of a similar water tank from Gujarat. This means that around 7-8 hundred years ago, different states of India took architectural inspirations from each other and probably there was exchange of architecture experts.

हम्पी, भारतः हम्पी की पाँच स्तर पर बनी सीढ़ियों वाली बावड़ी देखी तो "पहेली" फ़िल्म की कुछ इसी तरह की सुन्दर सीढ़ियों वाली राजस्थानी बावड़ी की याद आ गयी. इसी शैली की सीढ़ियों वाली बावड़ी की कुछ तस्वीरें गुजरात से भी देखी थीं. इसका अर्थ हुआ कि सात‍-आठ सौ साल पहले के भारत में विभिन्न प्रदेश एक दूसरे से वास्तुशिल्प की प्रेरणा लेते थे और उनमें शायद कुशल कारीगरों का आदान प्रदान भी होता था.

Hampi, India: Quando ho visto il pozzo d'acqua con cinque livelli di scale a Hampi, mi sono ricordato di un simile pozzo del Rajasthan che avevo visto nel film "Paheli". Ho visto le foto di un simile pozzo anche dallo stato di Gujarat. Ciò significa che 7-8 cento anni fa, vi era scambio di stili architettonici tra i vari stati indiani e forse si scambiavano anche gli architetti esperti.



  1. Don't you think the design is very unique in concept ? & it looks so attractive also & it's utility of course is beyond compare!!!!

    1. Thanks Indu. It is indeed a uniquely Indian design, at least I have never seen it any where else!

  2. Replies
    1. यही तो सोच रहा था, कि भारत में किसने आविष्कार किया इस शैली का? :)

  3. this design is very common for stepwells

    1. Thanks Sushmita. It is common in India and is also unique to India, no?

  4. Replies
    1. धन्यवाद रवीन्द्र जी :)

  5. Although not very unique, the steps do give an effect of uniqueness through these pics. Credit off course goes to Chayachitrakar!

    1. No Amit, I think that the steps are unique in the world, though they are common in India. I have never seen any thing like that any where else in the world. :)
      Thanks for your high opinion about the photographer!

  6. There was sure some kind of architectural exchange between Kingdoms across the country ....

    1. Yes, same design could not have been made in different parts of India otherwise!

  7. Replies
    1. Kajal, kya "waao", wow and waah ka baccha hai? :)
      Thanks :)

  8. And what did they use it as? swimming-pool?

    1. Thanks Leo. I think that it was used for drinking water. For queen's bath and public bath, there are separate tanks, that are not so deep.

  9. Its beautiful... Loved the symmetry in the design...

    1. Thanks Vijay. Indeed the symmetry is beautiful


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