Saturday, 4 July 2015

Provocative art - Arte provocatoria - उकसानेवाली कला

Carrot woman, Expo 2015, Milan, Italy - Images by Sunil Deepak
Gay couple, Expo 2015, Milan, Italy - Images by Sunil Deepak
Exhibitionist, Expo 2015, Milan, Italy - Images by Sunil Deepak

Milan, Italy: A lot has been written about Luigi Serrafino's "shocking" statue of "The carrot woman" in the World Expo 2015. However, it is not the only example of provocative art in the exhibition. The giant sculpture of the nude male couple in the Greek style and the mosaic work "The exhibitionist" of a man showing off his tongue and genitals are other examples of provocative art. All the three art works are displayed in Eataly area of the Expo. In the images above, I have tried to limit the "shocking" parts of these three art works.

मिलान, इटलीः विश्व एक्स्पो 2015 की प्रदर्शनी में "गाजर नारी" को देख कर मानसिक धक्का लगने का बारे में बहुत जगह लिखा गया है. पर प्रदर्शनी में उकसानेवाली कला यह अकेला नमूना नहीं है. भीमकाय समलैंगिक नग्न युगल की प्राचीन यवनी शैली की शिल्पकला तथा मोज़ाइक शैली में जीभ तथा यौन अंग दिखाने वाला "दिखावा करने वाला युवक", उकसानेवाली कला के अन्य नमूने हैं. यह तीनो कलाकृतियाँ एक्सपो के ईटाली हिस्से में प्रदर्शित हैं. आज की तीन तस्वीरों में मैंने इन कलाकृतियों के "धक्का लगने वाले" हिस्सों को बहुत सीमित रखने की कोशिश की है.

Milano, Italia: Molto è stato scritto sulla "scioccante" statua della Donna Carota di Luigi Serrafini all'Expo 2015. Ma non è l'unico esempio dell'arte provocatoria all'Expo. La scultura gigante della coppia gay nuda in stile antico greco e il lavoro in mosaico "Esibizionista" di un uomo che mostra la sua lingua e i suoi genitali, sono altri esempi dell'arte provocatoria. Tutte queste 3 opere sono esposte nella parte Eataly di Expo. Nelle tre immagini di oggi ho cercato di limitare le parti "scioccanti" delle tre opere.



  1. Art can achieve so much - it can express, evoke, provoke. Thanks for offering a glimpse into the Milan Expo. :)

    1. Thanks Ami.

      Art can also be a way to get in touch with our inconscious self as well as to explore issues we feel doubtful about. However, sometimes people let themselves be ruled by fear and react with anger to the artistic provocations! :)


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