Monday, 3 June 2013

Bike pride - Orgoglio bici - साइकल गर्व

Bike pride parade, Bologna Italy - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013
Bike pride parade, Bologna Italy - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013
Bike pride parade, Bologna Italy - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013

Bologna, Italy: With the arrival of the summer, city's cultural activities have also started (though this year it is not yet real summer because it rains every second day). Summer festival kick-started with the Bike Pride Parade. The only rule for participating in the parade was that you should have a motor-less vehicle, something that moves only with human energy, without polluting the environment. It's objective is to ask for the rights of bicyclists, to remind everyone that roads are not just for cars and scooters, they are also for cyclists.

बोलोनिया, इटलीः गर्मियों का मौसम शुरु हो तो शहर में हर तरह के साँस्कृतिक समारोह शुरु हो जाते हैं (हालाँकि इस वर्ष गर्मी अभी तक आयी नहीं, हर दूसरे दिन बारिश हो रही है). ग्रीष्म फेस्टीवल की शुरुआत हुई "बाइक प्राइड" यानि "साइकल गर्व परेड" से. इस परेड में भाग लेने का एक ही नियम है कि आप के पास बिना मोटर का वाहन होना चाहिये जो केवल मानव शक्ति से चले, जिससे वातावरण में प्रदूषण न हो.  इसका ध्येय है साइकल चलाने वालों का अधिकार माँगना कि सड़कें केवल कारों या स्कूटरों के लिए नहीं है, सड़क पर साइकल चलाने वालों को भी अधिकार है.

Bologna, Italia: Con l'arrivo delle estate, le attività culturali della città iniziano (anche se quest anno, il caldo non è ancora arrivato perché piove ogni altro giorno). Il festival delle estate ha avuto inizio con la parata Bike Pride. L'unica regola per partecipare alla parata era di avere un veicolo senza motore e non inquinante per l'ambiente. Il suo obiettivo è di chiedere il rispetto dei diritti dei ciclisti, e di ricordare che le strade non sono soltanto per le macchine e le moto, ma sono anche per i ciclisti.



  1. Looks like a lot of fun. Wish I was in Bologna and that I understood Italian. Hats off to you for writing your blog in three languages. It's always uch a pleasure to visit your blog.

    1. It was lot of fun, also because such events often end in music and beer parties :)

      Thanks Kalpana

  2. बिलकुल.. हमने भी लगभग अपना पूरा स्कूली जीवन साइकल से ही आने और जाने में बिताया है... अब तो यहां वाहनों की इतनी भीड़ हो गयी है के साइकल पर चलना मजेदार नहीं रहा..

    1. यही तो हम कह रहे थे कि सड़कों पर साइकल की अलग से लेन होनी चाहिये जहाँ साइकलवाले निडर चला सकें :)

  3. Wish India listens to the same plea of cyclists out here !! A land which is becoming a the hub of costliest cars and speed is the style statement ... there is no space for people who love cycling ! On the contrary foreign cycles have added taxes on them !
    Anyways, yet again an informative post sir, loved the photographs !!

    1. To make people listen to us, we need to be together and make ourselves visible. If cycle is seen only as poor man's transport, politicans do not see them!

      BTW, I still my hero bicycle that I had in India a life-time ago! :)

    2. yes .. indeed its looked upon as poor man's transport .. I suppose .. some Shah Rukh Khans or Dhonis need to promote it and make it a style statement for Govt to give extra lanes to cyclists. Not happening anytime soon .. I suppose !
      Its great to know sir, you still preserve your past in your Hero Cycle. :)

  4. भारत में साइकिल गरीबों की सवारी या मजबूरी है. अतः उसके अधिकार का प्रश्न ही नहीं उठता. भारत में ऐसी परैड की बहुत जरूरत है.

    1. भारत में भी प्रदूषण की वजह से प्रकृति के विनाश के दृश्य हर ओर दिखते हैं, अगर साइकल चलाने में गर्व हो तो सबका फायदा होगा


Daily 3 new images from around the world with a brief reflection in English, Hindi and Italian - Thanks in advance for your comments - Grazie in anticipo per i vostri commenti - आप की टिप्पणियों के लिए धन्यवाद

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