Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Night magic - Magia della notte - रात का जादू

Night lights, Nettuno sqare, Bologna, Italy - S. Deepak, 2013
Night lights, Nettuno sqare, Bologna, Italy - S. Deepak, 2013
Night lights, Nettuno sqare, Bologna, Italy - S. Deepak, 2013

Bologna, Italy: Since I wake up early, so I don't go out at night very often. However, that night, I had got late at the party. I was walking quickly so as not to miss the bus. However, when I reached Neptune square, I  had to stop. In the night light, everything looked so beautiful. For sometime, I walked around, clicking pictures. Then I ran towards the bus stop, but I was late by a few seconds and the bus left in front of me. While waiting there for half an hour for the next bus, I cursed myself.

बोलोनिया, इटलीः सुबह जल्दी उठता हूँ इसलिए रात को कम ही बाहर निकलता हूँ. लेकिन उस दिन रात को पार्टी में देर हो गयी. जल्दी जल्दी चल रहा था कि बस छूट न जाये. पर नेत्तूनो स्क्वायर पहुँचा तो ठिठक गया. रात की रोशनी में सब कुछ इतना सुन्दर लग रहा था. कुछ देर वहीं तस्वीरें खींचता रहा. फ़िर बस स्टाप की ओर भागा, लेकिन कुछ पलों की देरी हो गयी और वह बस सामने से ही निकल गयी. आधा घँटा वहाँ बैठ कर अगली बस की इन्तज़ार में अपने आप को कोसता रहा!

Bologna, Italia: Mi alzo molto presto alla mattina, per cui raramente vado fuori alla sera. Invece quella sera avevo fatto tardi alla festa. Camminavo velocemente per non perdere l'autobus. Ma quando arrivai a Piazza Nettuno, ho dovuto fermarmi. Nella luce della notte, tutto era così bello. Per un po' di tempo, girai nella piazza, scattando foto. Poi corsi verso la fermata dell'autobus, ma ero in ritardo di qualche secondo e il bus partì davanti a me. Per mezz'ora, mentre aspettavo il bus successivo, mi maledicevo!



  1. बहुत उम्दा प्रस्तुति आभार

    आज की मेरी नई रचना आपके विचारो के इंतजार में
    अर्ज सुनिये

    आप मेरे भी ब्लॉग का अनुसरण करे

  2. a volte vale la pena aspettare e concedersi un po' di meraviglia!

    1. E' più facile capirlo dopo! Invece in quel momento, quando sei stanco, l'attesa sembra infinita! :)

  3. But the photographs were worth missing the bus, wasn't it? I must get tips from you on night photography. My night shots always end up grainy or out of focus :-(

    1. Sudha, even my night pictures are often blurred, so I take ot of them and then hope that some will come out ok! I think that the trick is not to use flash because it makes everything outside the range of the flash darker, and keep your hands steady! :)


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