Saturday, 23 March 2013

Dancer - Danzatrice - नर्तकी

Sculptures by Leonardo Lucchi, Bologna, Italy - S. Deepak, 2013
Sculptures by Leonardo Lucchi, Bologna, Italy - S. Deepak, 2013
Sculptures by Leonardo Lucchi, Bologna, Italy - S. Deepak, 2013

Bologna, Italy: Leonardo Lucchi is a famous Italian sculptor and goldsmith. His sculptures are mostly in bronze. When I look at his sculptures, I feel as if they are persons lost in dreams and flying in the air. Today's images have his sculpture of a girl lost in her dance.

बोलोनिया, इटलीः लियोनार्दो लुक्की प्रसिद्ध इतालवी शिल्पकार और सुनार हैं. वह शिल्पकारी काँसे में करते हैं. उनकी मूर्तियाँ देखूँ तो मुझे लगता है मानो वे सपना देखते हुए मानव हों जो स्वपन में हवा में उड़ रहे हों. आज उनकी एक कलाकृति प्रस्तुत है जिसका विषय है नृत्य में खोयी युवती.

Bologna, Italia: Leonardo Lucchi è un famoso scultore e orafo italiano. Le sue sculture sono spesso in bronzo. Quando guardo le sue sculture, mi sembra di vedere persone perse in un sogno e danno l'idea di volare. Le immagini di oggi hanno una sua scultura di una ragazza persa nella sua danza.



  1. युवती सचमुच खी-खोई सी लग रही है. मगर कुछ उदास भी है. नृत्य करता व्यक्ति या तो बहुत खुश होता है या क्रोध में, उदासी में नृत्य नहीं होता. मुझे ऐसा लगता है.

    तीन तीन तस्वीरें और पूरे शिल्प की एक भी नहीं!! यह तो अन्याय है. :)

    1. शायद सोच में खो जाने को उदासी भी समझा जा सकता है! पूरे शिल्प वाली तस्वीरें मुझे अच्छी नहीं लग रही थीं, इसलिए उन्हें नहीं चुना :)

  2. खी-खोई को खोई खोई पढ़ें

  3. धन्यवाद रजनीश :)

  4. The dancer's face shows amazing expressions--catching them on bronze is a great feat!

    1. I agree, it seens difficult to believe that the metal can express the softness of the skin and the far-away look in the eyes so effectively! :)

      Thanks Indu

  5. Looking at the expression on the dancer's face and her pose, one forgets for a minute that she is actually cast in bronze !

    1. Since the full view is missing so you can't see that she is standing on the tip of one foot - even that feeling of lightness is amazing :)

      Thanks Sudha


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