Saturday 14 April 2012

Pine - Pini - चीड़

Cones on Marine Pine tree, Bibione, Italy - S. Deepak, 2012
Cones on Marine Pine tree, Bibione, Italy - S. Deepak, 2012
Cones on Marine Pine tree, Bibione, Italy - S. Deepak, 2012

Bibione, Italy: Along the coast there were marine pine trees full of cones. The cones of marine pines do not have edible nuts, but these can be dried and painted to make decorations for Christmas trees.

बिबियोने, इटलीः सागर किनारे लट्टुओं से भरे समुद्री चीड़ के पेड़ थे. समुद्री चीड़ के लट्टुओं या शंकुओं के बीच में खाने वाले नेजे नहीं होते लेकिन इन्हें सुखा कर, रंग कर, क्रिसमस के पेड़ों पर सजाने के लिए प्रयोग कर सकते हैं.

Bibione, Italia: Lungo la costa c'erano pini marini pieni di coni. I coni dei pini marini non hanno pinoli, ma possono essere seccati e dipinti per fare decorazioni per l'albero di natale.



  1. It's Amazing ! The Pine tree looks more interesting in your photo !!

    1. The compliment is nice, but I think that the tree was pretty interesting in reality! Thanks Abhinav :)

  2. seeing this tree for the first time

    1. Shrinidhi, this particular view is strange and shows the tree in a particular way. However, it is common enough in hill stations even in India. I have even seen some samples in Delhi zoo.


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