Sunday, 4 September 2011

Kidnapping - Rapimento - हरण

Sculptures by Nicola Zamboni & Sara Bolzani, Italy - S. Deepak, 2011
Sculptures by Nicola Zamboni & Sara Bolzani, Italy - S. Deepak, 2011
Sculptures by Nicola Zamboni & Sara Bolzani, Italy - S. Deepak, 2011

Bologna, Italy: Art is not just about beauty, it also has to bring to attention those negative things that afflict our societies. These sculptures about brute force, kidnapping and rape from ancient wars point to an issue that is still present in our society.

बोलोनिया, इटलीः कला का यह दायित्व भी है कि सुन्दरता के साथ साथ, समाज के उन पहलुओं की ओर ध्यान खींचे जो छुपे रहते हैं. प्राचीन युद्ध के हाहाकार, नारी हरण और बलात्कार को दर्शाते यह शिल्प आज भी सामायिक हैं.

Bologna, Italia: Arte non riguarda solo la bellezza, ma deve puntare l'attenzione anche verso quegli aspetti negativi della società che restano nascosti. Queste sculture sulla forza brutale, violenza e rapimento parlano di un problema sempre attuale nelle nostre società.



  1. Is this made of metal?? how well the expressions have been created and u clicked it sooo good :)

  2. @Sukupedia - thanks. Yes these sculptures are a mixture of bronze and terracotta.

  3. बहुत खूबसूरत अभिव्यक्ति!

  4. Stunningly lifelike Sunil...super!

  5. Wow! Yes, art should also be thought provoking!

  6. this is first of its kind...never seen something like this...

  7. Indeed quite violent. Which period in history do they pertain?

  8. Thanks everyone.

    @Hariharan: I think that these are late medieval period costumes.


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