Thursday, 8 September 2011

Music - Musica - संगीत

Street musicians, Trieste, Italy - S. Deepak, 2011
Street musicians, Trieste, Italy - S. Deepak, 2011
Street musicians, Trieste, Italy - S. Deepak, 2011

Trieste, Italy: Isn't it beautiful to hear wonderful classical music while you pass through the street? However, the truth is that we calculate people's worth from the place, clothes and environment and not from their artistic quality.

त्रिएस्ते, इटलीः सड़क पर बढ़िया शास्त्रीय संगीत सुनायी दे, कितना अच्छा लगता है. पर सच तो यह है कि अक्सर हम जगह, वस्त्रों और वातावरण से लोगों की कीमत तोलते हैं, उनकी कला से नहीं.

Trieste, Italia: Non è bello ascoltare bella musica classica mentre passi per una strada? Invece la verità è che diamo più peso al luogo, ai vestiti, all'ambiente e non al merito artistico.



  1. सही कहा कला की कीमत भी उसके प्रदर्शन के स्थान अनुरूप आंकी जाती है.

    सुन्दर तस्वीरें...

  2. किसी को बजाते हुए चित्रित करना सुंदर है।
    पहला चित्र तीसरे का टुकड़ा लगता है?

  3. संगीत है ही ऐसी चीज़.... जो कहीं भी सुनो तो बहुत अच्छा लगता है। मगर हर तरह का संगीत हमेशा अच्छा ही हो यह ज़रूरी नहीं..... खैर आपको कभी समय मिले तो आयेगा मेरी पोस्ट पर आपका स्वागत है

  4. I love violin music. Very soothing to mind.

    And, you are right! Just because they are on the street we do not respect their art.

  5. i witnessed that recently when i attened a jazz show in a pub... :( marketing sells more than art

  6. I love live music. Especially violins. It is something I regret, not learning :)

  7. Thanks everyone for your kind words.

  8. So true, Sir! Artistic quality is significant over anything else. Nice pics!

  9. Great post would truly be lovely if we could give as much credit to street musicians in our very own India


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