Saturday, 6 November 2010

Past - Passato - अतीत

Street shops selling paintings in Pelorinho, Salvador do Bahia, Brazil
Street shops selling paintings in Pelorinho, Salvador do Bahia, Brazil
Street shops selling paintings in Pelorinho, Salvador do Bahia, Brazil

Salvador, Brazil: Pelorinho on the top of the hill is linked to nobel prize winning Brazilian author, Jorge Amado. But in my memories, it is also linked to drummers group Olodum, who had become famous after their drumms in Michael Jackson's song "They don't care about us". The place where Olodum used to play looked deserted and it made me sad. People told that Neguinho, who had started Olodum had died of heart attack in 2009. You can see Michael Jackson's song "They don't care about us" on Youtube and admire the beauty of Pelorinho and the great drummers of Olodum. Today's pictures are from street shops of Pelorinho, where in the pictures you can also see Jorge Amado.

साल्वादोर, ब्राज़ीलः पहाड़ी पर बने पेलोरीह्नयों का नाम नोबल पुरस्कार पाने वाले ब्राज़ीली लेखक जोर्जे अमादो से जुड़ा है जो यहाँ रहते थे. पर मेरी यादों में पेलोरिह्नयों का नाम ओलोदुम नाम के ढोल बजाने वाले गुट से भी जुड़ा था जिन्होंने माइकल जेकसन के गाने "दे डोंट केयर अबाउट अस" में बढ़िया ढमा ढम ढोल बजा कर प्रसिद्धि पायी थी. जहाँ ओलोदुम वाले ढोलची अपना संगीत सुनाते थे, उस जगह को सूना देखा तो मन बहुत उदास हुआ. पूछने पर मालूम चला कि गुट को बनाने वाले नेगिन्यो का पिछले वर्ष, 2009 में दिल का दौरा पड़ने से अचानक देहांत हो गया. माइकल जेकसन का वह गीत आप यू ट्यूब पर देख सकते हैं, जिसमें पेलोरीह्नयो की खूबसूरती और ओलोदुम की कला दोनो दिखते हैं. आज की तस्वीरों में पेलोरीहन्हो की गलियों की दुकाने जिनमें लेखक जोर्जे अमादो की तस्वीर भी है.

Salvador, Brazil: Il nome di Pelorinho in cima alla collina è collegato al autore e vincitore del premio nobel, Jorge Amado. Ma nelle mie memorie, il nome di Pelorinho è anche collegato a Olodum, il gruppo di percussionisti, i quali erano diventati famosi dopo la canzone "They don't care about us" di Michael Jackson. Mi è dispiaciuto quando ho visto la sede di Olodum, deserto e senza il loro cartellone. Mi hanno raccontato che Neguinho, il capo gruppo era morto di infarto nel 2009. Potete ammirare la bellezza di Pelorinho e la bravura di Olodum nella canzone di Michael Jackson "They don't care about us" su Youtube. Le foto di oggi presentano i negozietti delle stradine di Pelorinho, dove potete vedere in un quadro, Jorge Amado.


  1. After a long time ! Today i have acquired a new computer and ur pics are visible again . Thnx for the treat.

  2. Munish deewali par naya computer! :-)


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