Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Beggers - Mendicanti - भिखारी

हैदराबाद, भारतः चारमीनार और मक्का मस्जिद के पास के क्षेत्र में भिखारी. जाने क्यों मुझे लगता है कि भिखारियों के अलग समानांतर दुनिया है जिसकी छोटी सी झलक हमें मिलती है पर जिसे देख कर भी नहीं देखते. शायद इसीलिए भीख माँगने वालों के बारे में जानने के लिए मैं बहुत उत्सुक होता हूँ. धार्मिक पात्रों और यहाँ तक फ़िल्मों से मेनेजमैंट के गुण कैसे सीखें इस बारे में तो किताबें देखीं हैं पर सोचता हूँ कि किसी को भिखारियों का अध्ययन करके उनसे मेनेजमैंट के गुण सीखने के बारे में लिखना चाहिये.

Hyderabad, India: Beggers in the area around Char Minaar and Mecca Masjid. I feel that there is a parallel world of beggers, that we hardly know about and we hardly see. Perhaps that's why I am very curious to know more about them as persons. I think that there are many books about principles of management based on religious characters and even films, but it could be interesting to look at principles of business management from beggers' point of views.

Hyderbad, India: Mendicanti nell'area intorno a Char Minaar e Mecca Masjid. Penso che vi sia un mondo parallelo dei mendicanti, della quale sappiamo poco e che ignoriamo. Forse è per questo che sono così curioso riguardo le loro vite. Conosco diversi libri che parlano di management dal punto di vista di figure religiose o anche dei film, ma penso che sarebbe interessante guardare ai principi di management dal punto di vista dei mendicanti.

1 comment:

  1. Paulo Coelho depicts groups of beggers in a different light in his novel The Zahir.
    ghughuti basuti


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