Tuesday 9 June 2015

Raised hands - Mani alzate - हाथ उठाये

Emotions of raised hands, Rome, Italy - Images by Sunil Deepak
Emotions of raised hands, Dublin, Ireland - Images by Sunil Deepak
Emotions of raised hands, Sao Paolo, Brazil - Images by Sunil Deepak

In many languages, "raising the hand" means beating someone. However if you look at today's images from Rome/Italy, Dublin/Ireland and San Paulo/Brazil, the raised hands of the statues are expressing positive emotions - mystic trance, calling people to rise and expressing dtermination for the rights.

सामान्य भाषा में "हाथ उठाने" का अर्थ "किसी को मारना" समझा जाता है. लेकिन आज की तस्वीरों की मूर्तियों को देखिये जो रोम/इटली, डब्लिन/आयरलैंड तथा साओं पाउलो/ब्राज़ील से हैं, तो इनमें हाथ उपर उठाने की मुद्रा के सकरात्मक अर्थ हैं - भक्ति लीनता, विद्रोह का आव्हान तथा मानव अधिकारों का संकल्प.

Nel linguaggio comune, "alzare la mano" significa violenza fisica. Invece se guardate le immagini di oggi, da Roma/Italia, Dublino/Irlanda e San Paolo/Brasile, le mani alzate delle statue esprimono emozioni positive - una contemplazione mistica, l'invito a alzarsi in rivolta e esprimere la determinazione per i diritti.


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