Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Body pins - Pin per corpo - शरीर में पिन

People with body pins, GLBTI pride parade, Bologna, Italy - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013
People with body pins, GLBTI pride parade, Bologna, Italy - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013
People with body pins, GLBTI pride parade, Bologna, Italy - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013

Bologna, Italy: I believe that the courage to be who you feel to be, is very important. This means accepting ourselves as we are and not try to hide it. However, why does that include showing your differences by putting pins in your nose, ears, cheeks and lips? In India one can say that it is part of our culture and traditions. In China, one can say that it is natural acupunture and it helps you to remain healthy, but the young people in Europe, why do they give pain to themselves like this?

बोलोनिया, इटलीः मेरे विचार में "हम तो ऐसे ही हैं" वाला साहस बहुत आवश्यक है. यानि हम जैसे हैं उसको छुपाने की कोशिश न करना, बल्कि उसे गर्व से स्वीकारना.  पर अपनी भिन्नता को नाक, कान, गाल, होठों में पिन घुसवा कर क्यों दिखाते हैं? भारत में कह सकते हैं कि यह हमारी परम्परा व सभ्यता का हिस्सा है, चीन में कह सकते हैं कि इस तरह से प्राकृतिक एकूपँक्चर होता है व शरीर स्वस्थ्य रहता है, पर यहाँ यूरोप में नव युवक व नवयुवतियाँ इस तरह से स्वयं को कष्ट क्यों देते हैं?

Bologna, Italia: Credo che il coraggio di essere quello che uno si sente dentro è molto importante. Vuol dire, mostrarci come siamo e non cercare di nasconderlo. Ma per mostrare le nostre differenze, perché dobbiamo mettere i pin nei nostri nasi, orecchie, guance e labbra? In India, uno può dire che ciò fa parte delle tradizioni e della cultura. In Cina uno può pensare che è come agopuntura e ci aiuta a restare sani, ma i giovani europei, perché si fanno soffrire in questo modo?



  1. अलग दिखने के लिए. विरोध जताने के लिए.

    1. पर विरोध की लिए कोई आसान तरीका नहीं खोज सकते क्या, खुद को इतना दुख देना! :)

  2. Cheek piercing is new to me, it seems to look cute especially if somebody gets dimple on their cheek....

    1. Oh no Meghana! It seems that rather than discouraging, I am giving ideas to more young people and their moms are going to complain to me!!! :)

    2. Hahaha, no worries Sir. I myself am a mom n wouldn't try that....

  3. people nowadays do anything, go to any extent in the name of fashion without realising the harm its going to cause in the long run.....

    1. You are right Aparna, peer pressure can be one factor why this happens.

      Thanks :)

  4. धन्यवाद सरिता जी :)


  5. अडिग ...अटल और विराट ... सुंदर प्रस्तुति ....!!


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