Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Unusual angles - Angoli inconsueti - असमान्य कोण

Taj Mahal, Agra, India - S. Deepak, 2012
Taj Mahal, Agra, India - S. Deepak, 2012
Taj Mahal, Agra, India - S. Deepak, 2012

Agra, India: When I click pictures, I wish that they should be different, so that persons looking at them can find something new even in places they already know. However, if a place is world famous and thousands click its pictures every day, how can you bring something new into it? Often photographers try to give a new look to a place by changing the things in front of it. In Taj Mahal, to make their pictures different, they go to the other side of the river and place camels, boats, women wearing colourful saris in the foreground. I did not have time to go to the other side of the river, so I sought to be "different" by taking pictures from weird angles!

आगरा, भारतः जब मैं तस्वीर खीँचता हूँ तो चाहता हूँ कि उसमें कुछ भिन्नता हो, ताकि देखने वाले को जानी मानी चीज़ में कुछ नया देखने को मिले. पर अगर कोई जगह जग प्रसिद्ध हो, हज़ारों लोग हर दिन उसकी तस्वीर खींचते हों तो उसमें नयापन कैसे आयेगा? बहुत से लोग इस भिन्नता को लाने के लिए, उस जगह के सामने कुछ बदल दते हैं. ताजमहल की "भिन्न" तस्वीरें खींचने के लिए प्रसिद्ध फोटोग्राफर अक्सर नदी के दूसरे किनारे से तस्वीर खींचते हैं, और उसमें ऊँट, नाव, रंगबिरंगी साड़ीयाँ पहने नारीयाँ, आदि जोड़ देते हैं. मेरे पास समय नहीं था नदी की दूसरी ओर जाने का, तो मैंने  "भिन्न" होने के लिए टेढ़े मेढ़े कोणों से तस्वीरें खींची.

Agra, India: Quando scatto delle foto, vorrei avere qualcosa di diverso nelle mie foto, così che le persone trovano qualcosa di nuovo anche nelle cose ben conosciute. Ma se un luogo è famoso nel mondo e tutti i giorni migliaia di persone scattano le sue foto, come fai a darle un tocco nuovo? Spesso i fotografi cambiano quello che sta davanti alle strutture. Per fotografare Taj Mahal, loro vanno dall'altra parte del fiume e inseriscono di fronte, un cammello o delle barche o le donne vestite in sari colorati. Non avevo tempo per andare dall'altra parte del fiume, così avevo cercato di essere "diverso", scattando foto da angoli più strani!



  1. Yes, the angles are unusual...creative and soulful. Thank you.

  2. प्रसिद्ध लेकिन अद्भुत

    1. प्रसिद्ध, सुन्दर और भीड़ से भरा :))

  3. Yes that is indeed beautiful, I guess even I ll try this, loved the first pic and the second one too.

    1. Thanks Kislaya and best of luck for trying the weird angles :)

  4. आप नक्काशी वगेरे जो सामान्यतः तस्वीरों में नहीं दिखती पर ध्यान केन्द्रीत कर सकते थे. :) हमें भी जानने को ज्यादा मिल जाता.

  5. असामान्य कोणों से कभी कभी असामान्य तस्वीरें आ जाती है.. आपकी दृष्टि कमाल की है फोटोग्राफी के मामले में......

    1. धन्यवाद प्रशांत. तुम्हारी तस्वीरें भी बहुत सुन्दर होती हैं.

      कभी कभी मुझे लगता है टेढ़े मेढ़े एँगल से तस्वीर खींचना भी एक तरह का फैशन होता है, खुद को ऊँचा दिखाने के लिए! :)

  6. Sir these snaps are mind boggling .. amazingly shot ... mesmerizing!!

  7. Wow! So you ended up visiting the Taj! How was the experience?! And yes, the angles do give the images a freshness :)

    1. I visited it twice - once in the evening and once very early in the morning, and I was bewitched by it in spite all the hyperbole!

      Manreet, you must have been there a lot for the research for your book! Thanks


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