Thursday, 7 March 2013

Unknown city - Città sconosciuta - अजनबी शहर

Place Carnot, Lyon, France - S. Deepak, 2013
Place Carnot, Lyon, France - S. Deepak, 2013
Place Carnot, Lyon, France - S. Deepak, 2013

Lyon, France: I had come back after 20 years and it was late at night, but I was not worried. I had thought that it was city I knew well, so it will not be difficult to find my hotel. But as I came out of the station, I stopped in surprize. It was the same old station where I used to catch the train every day, but everything looked strange.  The square outside the station, the old statues, everything looked new to me. Perhaps they were new to me, because 20 years ago I hardly ever used to stop and look at things? Only friends, talking and having a good time had mattered. It was not the city that had changed, I had.

लियोँ, फ्राँसः बीस साल बाद यहाँ लौटा था और रात भी बहुत हो गयी थी, लेकिन मैं निश्चिन्त था. सोच रहा था कि यह तो अपना जाना पहचाना शहर था, होटल खोजने में दिक्कत नहीं होगी. पर स्टेशन से बाहर निकला तो हैरान रह गया. यह वही स्टेशन था जहाँ से हर रोज़ ट्रेन लेता था पर सब कुछ अजनबी सा लग रहा था. वह स्टेशन के बाहर का स्कावयर, पुरानी मूर्तियाँ, लगा जैसे पहली बार देख रहा हूँ. शायद यह सच ही था, बीस साल पहले वाला मैं रुक कर किसी जगह या चीज़ को कहाँ देखता था? केवल दोस्त, गप्पें और मस्ती, यही महत्वपूर्ण थे. शहर नहीं बदला था, मैं बदल गया था.

Lione, Francia: Ero tornato dopo 20 anni ed era tardi, ma non ero preoccupato. Avevo pensato che era una città che conoscevo bene, per cui non sarebbe stato difficile trovare il mio hotel. Ma quando sono uscito dalla stazione, mi fermai sorpreso. Era sempre la stessa vecchia stazione dove prendevo il treno tutti i giorni, ma tutto mi sembrava sconosciuto. La piazza fuori dalla stazione, le vecchie statue, erano tutte nuove per me. Forse erano nuove per me perché 20 anni fa non mi fermavo a guardare le cose? Allora mi importavano soltanto gli amici, le chiacchiere e il divertimento, nient'altro. Non era la città che era cambiata, ero io.



  1. तस्वीरों मे डरावना सा लग रहा है.

    दुनिया वैसी ही दिखती है जैसा हम देखना चाहते है :) फिर भी बीस साल में बदलाव भी आएं ही होंगे..

    1. रात को देर हो गयी थी, सुनसान था पर डरावना नहीं था :)

      बदलाव आये थे लकिन स्टेशन के सामने के इस हिस्से में नहीं थे.

  2. Woww.. wonderful statue and dazzling lights!!!

    - Clicks By Eyeblinks

  3. शायद मूर्तियाँ भी यही सोचती हों - यह शहर कितना बादल गया।

    1. आप की कल्पना तो सुन्दर है लेकिन मूर्तियाँ यह भी सोच सकती हैं कि कहाँ कहाँ से उठ कर चले आते हैं :)

  4. me leaving for france in less than a months time on official visit. Really excited to witness the city of romance. Pls give me a one word tip for the place Paris.

    1. I haven't been back to Paris for a long time but I am sure you will find everything and more in Paris! Best wishes for your trip :)

  5. I felt like this when I recently visited Jodhpur after 30 years. When I got off the rickshaw at Shastri Circle, everything looked the same and different at the same time.

    1. I like my new me of today much better compared the guy I used to be 20 years ago! I think I sleep-walked through places. But, cities are also changing all the time. Though I come to Delhi, every year, it confuses me all the time. :)


Daily 3 new images from around the world with a brief reflection in English, Hindi and Italian - Thanks in advance for your comments - Grazie in anticipo per i vostri commenti - आप की टिप्पणियों के लिए धन्यवाद

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