Friday, 15 February 2013

Prohibited - Proibito - पाबन्दी

Costumes Venice carnival - S. Deepak, 2013
Costumes Venice carnival - S. Deepak, 2013
Costumes Venice carnival - S. Deepak, 2013

Venice, Italy: A couple from the carnival who had chosen red and black colours for their costumes. I feel that when we can't see the expressions of the faces hidden behind the masks, the emotions expressed by the colours are easier to see. So which emotions are expressed by the colours of these two persons? For me, they express an invitation to a world of prohibited pleasures, outside the boundaries of the society.

वेनिस, इटलीः कार्निवाल से एक जोड़ी जिसने अपनी पौशाकों के लिए काला और लाल रंग चुने थे. मेरे विचार में जब मुखौटों से छिपे चेहरों के भाव नहीं दिखते तो रँगों से अभिव्यक्त होने वाली भावनाएँ देखना शायद आसान हो जाता है. इस दृष्टि से देखें तो आप के विचार में इन दोनों की पौशाक के रंग कौन सी भावनाओं को अभिव्यक्त करते हैं? मुझे लगता है कि वह भावना समाज की स्वीकृत परिधियों से बाहर आने का आमन्त्रण है, उस दुनिया में जिस पर भद्र समाज में पाबन्दी होती है.

Venezia, Italia: Una coppia al carnevale che aveva scelto il rosso e il nero per il suo costume. Penso che quando non possiamo vedere le espressioni delle facce nascoste dietro le maschere, riusciamo a cogliere le emozioni expresse dai colori più facilmente. In questo senso, quali emozioni esprimono i colori di queste due persone? Per me, loro esprimono un invito ad un mondo dei piaceri proibiti, fuori dalle convenzioni della società.



  1. मुझे क्रोध और विरोध के भाव लगे.

    1. और अगर रंगों की बात नहीं हो, बल्कि जो भावना अपने मन के भीतर हो वही दिखे तो? :))

  2. Red and black is one eternal combination ! their eyes are expressive and to me they speak about ' The darker side of emotions '. Beautiful photograph sir ! :)

    1. It is like looking at a woman behind a veil and you never know if it is the person's emotion or what you wanted to see in them!

      Thanks Maliny :)

  3. the pictures look a little bit scary at first but then you give em a second look and you realise they look gorgeous!

    Defiant Princess

    1. I agree, they are both gorgeous and scary. The lack of expressions on the masks make them scary! :)


  4. nice pics...


Daily 3 new images from around the world with a brief reflection in English, Hindi and Italian - Thanks in advance for your comments - Grazie in anticipo per i vostri commenti - आप की टिप्पणियों के लिए धन्यवाद

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