Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Seagulls - Gabbiani - सामुद्रिक

Seagulls, Trieste Italy - S. Deepak, 2012
Seagulls, Trieste Italy - S. Deepak, 2012
Seagulls, Trieste Italy - S. Deepak, 2012

Trieste, Italy: Along the sea, these seabirds are an endless show, some times plunging down into water like an arrow for catching fish, sometimes quacking and fighting at each other, and some times, alone in the sky like a dream.

त्रिएस्ते, इटलीः समुद्र के किनारे इन सामुद्रिक पक्षियों के अन्तहीन रूप दिखते हैं, कभी मछली पकड़ने के लिए पानी में तीर की तरह डुबकी लगाते हुए, कभी आपस में चिल्लाते और लड़ते हुए, और कभी हवा में अकेले, किसी सपने की तरह.

Trieste, Italia: Lungo il mare si vedono infinite variazioni della vita di questi uccelli marini, qualche volta scendono giù come una freccia per prendere il pesce dal mare, qualche volta gridano e litigano tra di loro, e qualche volta volano da soli in aria, come un sogno.



  1. Loved the first picture very much ....

  2. Replies
    1. हाँ सचमुच बहुत शोर मचाते हें यह पक्षी :)

  3. The seagulls are fine through your lens Sunil as always, but the title is awesome!

  4. पहली तस्वीर मस्त है :)

  5. Seagulls... probably seeing them first time here. They resemble albatross a bit but those are bigger birds.

    I came across this word while reading Chekhov's plays long back. He's written only five plays and 'Seagull' is one of them.

    1. I hardly know any Russian authors, for some reason I just didn't feel ike reading them! Even Chekov. When I see these birds flying over sea or lakes, for me they are only seagulls, though there must be different varieties of seagulls. These in Trieste seemed to much bigger than some other kinds I have seen elsewhere.

  6. Beautiful pictures! but, water birds do not have melody in their songs!


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