Delhi, India: I have been to wildlife sancturies many times but I have never seen lions or tigers there. However, during my last visit to Delhi zoo, a cold and foggy winter morning, I saw the lion sharpening his claws against a tree and then rubbing his back against it, and I thought that he was remembering the love he had received from his mother when he was young.
दिल्ली, भारतः कई सुरक्षित वन्य क्षेत्रों में जाने का मौका मिला पर कभी शेर, चीते नहीं दिखे. लेकिन पिछली बार दिल्ली के चिड़ियाघर में, सर्दियों की एक सुबह की धुँध में, एक शेर को नाखूनों को लकड़ी पर खँरोच कर तेज़ करते देखा, फ़िर एक वृक्ष से पीठ रगड़ते देखा, लगा जैसे बेचारे को बचपन में मिले माँ के लाड़ प्यार की याद आ रही हो.
Delhi, India: Diverse volte sono stato nelle foreste protette, ma non ho mai potuto vedere leoni o tigri. Comunque, alla mia ultima visita allo zoo di Delhi, una mattina fredda di inverno con la nebbia, ho visto il leone pulire le sue unghie e poi grattarsi la schiena contro un albero, e ho pensato che lui ricordava le cure amorevoli ricevute da sua mamma quando era piccolo.
looking for some HELPING HAND :) :)
Want to volunteer? I am sure he he misses his father as well :)
DeleteBut I feel sad when I see them in the zoo, we need more animal sanctuaries, so that they can live in their natural habitat.
ReplyDeleteI agree completely. I have seen them in small cages with barely space for moving, terrible!
DeleteOh wow! I love Lions....Perhaps yes, must be missing the family....it is not a happy memory to see Lions in zoo though....they look far better in the Jungles...
ReplyDeleteI hope to see one in wild life sactuary one day!
Deleteकाश वाह दिन जल्दी आये, जब शेर जंगल में जाए.
Deleteयह शेर तो वापस जँगल जाने से रहा, कैद में रहने की आदत हो गयी हो तो खुले में भूखे मरना पड़ेगा!
Deleteराजा कुछ बूढ़ा हो गया है
ReplyDeleteकाजल, बूढ़े होने पर तो माता पिता के प्यार की याद और भी आती है