Monday 14 November 2011

Twins - Gemelli - जुड़वा

Twins in the womb models, Poggi museum - S. Deepak, 2011
Twins in the womb models, Poggi museum - S. Deepak, 2011
Twins in the womb models, Poggi museum - S. Deepak, 2011

Bologna, Italy: How do twins grow inside mother's womb, what care is needed for their birth, these models were made in seventeenth century to explain these subjects in the medical college. These models can be seen at Poggi museum.

बोलोनिया, इटलीः माँ के गर्भ में जुड़वा बच्चे किस तरह से पनप रहे होते हैं, उनके पैदा होते समय किस तरह का ध्यान रखना चाहिये यह सब सिखाने के लिए यहाँ के मेडिकल कॉलिज में सतारहवीं शताब्दी में यह मूर्तियाँ बनायी गयी थीं जिन्हें आज पोज्जी संग्रहालय में देखा जा सकता है.

Bologna, Italia: Come crescono i bambini nel grembo materno, quali precauzioni sono necessari per il loro parto, questi modelli erano stato costruiti nella scuola di medicina nel diciassettesimo secolo per spiegare simili soggetti. Si possono vedere questi modelli al museo Poggi.



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