Saturday, 24 September 2011

Musical notes - Note musicali - सरगम

Children learning music, Goias Velho, Brazil - S. Deepak, 2011
Children learning music, Goias Velho, Brazil - S. Deepak, 2011
Children learning music, Goias Velho, Brazil - S. Deepak, 2011

Goias Velho, Brazil: I had never thought about the relationship between water and the musical notes. Thus I was surprized when I saw children learning music with the help of water.Hitting the terracottta vase produces a sound, that changes as it is dipped in water. The more the container is empty, higher the note it produces. The Indian musical instrument Jaltarang works on the same principle.

गोयास वेल्यो, ब्राज़ीलः सरगम और जल में क्या सम्बंध है, यह पहले कभी नहीं सोचा था. ब्राज़ील में बच्चों को जल के माध्यम से सरगम सीखते देखा तो बहुत अचरज हुआ. छोटी मटकी को डँडी से बजाने पर सुर निकलता है जो मटकी को पानी में डुबोने के साथ बदलता रहता है, जितनी मटकी खाली होगी, स्वर उतना ही ऊपर उठेगा. इसी तरह से जलतरंग जैसे वाद्य बजाते हैं.

Goias Velho, Brasile: Non avevo mai pensato al rapporto tra le note musicali e l'acqua. Per cui ero rimasto sorpreso quando avevo visto i bambini a imparare la musica con l'ausilio dell'acqua. Battere il vaso di terracotta con una bacchetta produceva un suono, che cambiava quanto più il vaso era sommerso nell'acqua. Quanto più vuoto è il vaso, tanto più alta è la nota musicale. Sullo stesso principio è basato lo strumento musicale indiano che si chiama Jaltarang.



  1. इन तस्वीरों में कितनी बाते है. एक तो ये सुन्दर है. दुसरे इसमें बच्चे है. और संगीत है. जल है... ओह! मजा आ गया. सही में शुभप्रभात हो गई...

  2. music is a language in itself and these images and the link to jaltarang prove it...

  3. धन्यवाद संजय

    @Thanks India no. 1

  4. Very interesting! Yes water itself has music.

  5. That is true piece of master arts!! Beautifully captured..

  6. I love the last image.. it's so active... well captured Rishi


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