Tuesday 2 August 2011

Magic - Magia - जादू

Vero Peso market, Belem, Brazil - images by S. Deepak, 2011
Vero Peso market, Belem, Brazil - images by S. Deepak, 2011
Vero Peso market, Belem, Brazil - images by S. Deepak, 2011

Belem, Brazil: In the old Vero Peso Market ("Vero Peso" means "correct weight"), apart from fish and fruits, there are also women selling magic potions that can help you win your love or bring misfortune to your enemeies.

बेलेन, ब्राज़ीलः पुराना वेरो पेसो बाज़ार (वेरो पेसो यानि "सही तोल") में मछली, फ़ल, आदि के अतिरिक्त, जादू मंतर वाली शीशियाँ बेचने वाली औरते भी हैं जिनका कहना है उनके जादू से आप को अपना प्यार, दुश्मन को बुखार, आदि सब कुछ मिल सकता है.

Belem, Brasile: Al mercato Vero Peso, oltre ai negozi che vendono pesce o frutta, vi sono anche donne che vendono pozioni magiche che possono aiutarti a conquistare il tuo amore e per portare sfortuna ai tuoi nemici.



  1. विपरीत लिंगी से प्यार पाने को कितना व्याकुल रहता है इंसान?
    और इंसान ने ही प्यार की इस व्याकुलता को धंधे में बदल दिया है।

  2. दीनेशजी, धंधे का सीधा समबन्ध मांग से है. फिर वह प्रेम हो या धर्म...

    शीशीशियों में कोई चुर्ण या तरल भरा है क्या? हमारे यहाँ मंत्रित चुर्ण होता है जिसे सम्बन्धित व्यक्ति को चाय वगेरे में पीला देना होता है. विचित्र लगता है ऐसी मान्यताएं विश्वव्यापि है.

    तस्वीरें सुन्दर है और जानकारी भी.

  3. शीशियों में पदार्थ तरल भी थे और चूर्ण जैसे पाउडर भी. कह रहीं थीं कि यह सब खरीदने के लिए हर उम्र के स्त्री पुरुष आते हैं. :)

  4. Potions to win love or bring misfortune!! Hilarious!! People still believe these things? Hmm... Anyway, nice clicks..

  5. great snaps...love portions was interesting :)


  6. I want to check that Love Potion shop :D Nice one!!

  7. Interesting & Lovely pictures, but not sure if magic potions can really fetch someone love. Thanks for sharing. Following your blog. You may like to follow mine.

  8. Dinesh, Some great photographs here. I like the way you weave your stories and photographs together. Nice to connect.

  9. Thankyou all these lovely comments.

    Actually I was very suspicious and didn't accept to taste any of their potions - they even had something for making me more attractive!!

    My Brazilian friend who was accompanying me, she said that we shouldn't take it so seriously, that is good as a psychological help, specially to overcome an unfaithful ex-lover.

  10. Very similar to Indian markets .. except it looks much more cleaner and less crowded!

  11. The eye for the extra- ordinary in the ordinary feels awesome..liked it a lot


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