Friday, 1 August 2008

Changing Times - Tempi Cambiati - समय का फ़ेर

एक्वीलेईया, इटलीः एक बार मेरे एक अफ्रीकी मित्र बहुत निराश थे, उनका लम्बे समय तक बहुत मेहनत से किया गया काम असफल रहा था, बोले, "हम पुल ही बनाते रह गये, वहाँ नदियाँ सूख गयीं". एक्वीलेईया गया तो कुछ वैसा ही महसूस हुआ था. एक समय में यह शहर प्रसिद्ध और सफल था जिसकी गवाही उसका प्राचीन बँदरगाह और अन्य खण्डहर देते हैं. पर जिन दो नदियों पर यह बँदरगाह बना था वे लुप्त हो चुकी हैं या शायद उन्होंने रास्ते बदल लिये. अब बस एक छोटा सा भूला हुआ शहर है.

Aquileia, Italy: Once a friend in Africa, whose long and hard work had been unsuccessful, had said, "I was busy building the bridge but in the meantime the river had dried up." When I visited Aquileia, I had similar feeling. Once it was a famous and successful town as can be seen from its huge port and other ruins. The two rivers on which the port was made are lost today and now it is a small forgotten city.

Aquileia, Italia: Una volta in Africa, un amico scoraggiato da un insuccesso, aveva detto, "Ero troppo preso dalla costruzione del ponte, ma nel frattempo il fiume era sparito!" Quando ho visto Aquileia ho pensato a questa frase. Una volta era una città famosa e di successo, come si può vedere dal suo imponente porto e altre rovine. I due fiumi che servivono questo porto hanno forse cambiato strada ed è soltanto una piccola cittadina, un po' dimenticata.

You can see more pictures of Aquileia on / Puoi vedere altre foto di Aquileia su / एक्वीलेईया की अन्य तस्वीरें कल्पना डाट इट पर देख सकते हैं.


Daily 3 new images from around the world with a brief reflection in English, Hindi and Italian - Thanks in advance for your comments - Grazie in anticipo per i vostri commenti - आप की टिप्पणियों के लिए धन्यवाद

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