"हे प्रभु, मुझे तुम अपनी शाँती का माध्यम बना लो, जहाँ नफ़रत हो वहाँ प्रेम ला सकूँ, जहाँ दुख पहुँचा हो वहाँ क्षमा ला सकूँ, जहाँ शँका हो वहाँ विश्वास ला सकूँ, जहाँ निराशा हो वहाँ आशा ला सकूँ, जहाँ अँधेरा हो वहाँ रोशनी ला सकूँ, जहाँ उदासी हो वहाँ आनंद ला सकूँ, ..."
मेरे विचार में इस प्रार्थना में वही विचार है जो महात्मा बुद्ध की प्रार्थना "तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय" में हैं. कुछ दिन पहले असिज़ि शहर गया था, वहाँ पर संत फ्राँसिस के गिरजाघर के आसपास की कुछ तस्वीरें प्रस्तुत हैं.
Assisi, Italy: Among all the Catholic saints, I like St Francis most. I like his love for all creatures, his choice of living as poor with the poor. One of his prayers is my favourite: "Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy ..." In many ways St Francis reminds me of the figure of Gautam Buddha and this prayer reminds of Buddhist prayer, "From darkness take me to light", that was loved by Mahatma Gandhi. Here are some pictures of Assisi around the church of Sr Francis.
Assisi, Italia: Tra tutti i santi cattolici, il mio favorito è San Francesco. Mi piace il suo amore per tutte le creature, tutti gli esseri e la sua scelta della povertà. Una delle preghiere è la mia favorita: "Fà di me uno strumento della tua pace. Dove c’è odio, io porti amore. Dove c’è discordia, io porti l’unione. Dove c’è errore, io porti la verità. Dove c’è dubbio, io porti la fede. Dove c’è disperazione, io porti la speranza ..." Per molti versi, la figura di san Francesco mi ricorda la figura di Gautam Buddha e questa preghiera mi fa pensare alla preghiera buddhista, "Portami dalle tenebre alla luce", che amava Mahatma Gandhi. Oggi presento qualche foto di Assisi intorno alla Basilica del Santo.

Itali ki sair karaane ke liye dhnyawaad.
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वाह !
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तारीफ करनी होगी आपकी फोटोग्राफी की।