कहते हैं कि पुराने किले वाली जगह पर महाभारत वाला हस्तिनापुर था पर किले में घूमते हुए कोई पुरात्तव विभाग द्वारा की जा रही खुदाई आदि के चिन्ह नहीं दिखे. पुराने किले के क्षेत्र में हस्तिनापुर था, इस बात को सुने हुए भी चालिस साल हो गये. अगर सचमुच यहाँ हस्तिनापुर था तो पुरात्तव विभाग को यहाँ पुरानी संस्कृति के अवशेष खोजने चाहिये. और अगर खुदाई हुई है तो उसमें क्या मिलना, क्या कोई इसके बारे में जानता है?
Delhi, India: The old fort in Delhi is not really very old. It was built by Sher Shah Suri in 1540 after defeating the Mughal king Hamayun. After death of Sher Shah in 1545, Hamayun again came back as king and lived in this fort, where he died after falling from stairs. Thus, the fort gained the reputation of being unlucky and was abondoned by Mughal, who decided to built a new fort. Most of the old fort is in ruins. Part of it is on a hillock, where the mosque built by Sher Shah is still in good condition (shown in the two pictures below). Lower part of old fort hosts the Delhi zoo. It is said that Hastinapur, the old city mentioned in ancient Indian poem of Mahabharat was located here.
Delhi, India: Il vecchio forte di Delhi non è molto vecchio. E' stato costruito nel 1540 da Sher Shah Suri dopo la sua vittoria sul re mughal, Hamayun. Sher Shah morì nel 1545 e Delhi fu occupata di nuovo da Hamayun, il quale abitò nel forte prima di morire, dopo essersi scivolate sulle scale. Il forte così guadagnò la reputazione di portare sfortuna e fu abbandonato. La maggior parte del forte è in rovine. Una parte del forte si trova su una collinetta e qui è ben conservata una moschea (nelle due foto sottto). La parte inferiore del forte oggi ospita lo zoo di Delhi. Si dice che Hastinapur, l'antica città dei Pandava descritta nel poema epico Mahabharat è nascosta sotto il forte.

तस्वीरें बहुत सुन्दर आई हैं.
ReplyDeleteamazing photograph sir
Deleteआप से तो फोटोग्राफी सीखनी होगी......
ReplyDeleteamazing photographs sir
ReplyDeleteThanks Rakesh :)