Manchester, UK: A contemporary of emperor Ashoka in India, the Greek scientist Archimedes had discovered the way of measuring the volume of irregular-shaped objects by dipping them in water. There is a story that the idea came to him while he was in the bath tub. Thrilled by his discovery, he rose up from the tub and ran shouting "Eureka, Eureka" (I have found it), forgetting that he was nude. Today's images have a statue depicting that Eureka moment of Archimedes. Its sculptor is Thompson W. Dagnall.
मेनचेस्टर, ब्रिटेनः भारत के सम्राट अशोक के समकालीन यवनी वैज्ञानिक आर्कीमीडीज़ ने टेढ़े मेढ़े आकार की वस्तुओं के परिमाण को पानी में डुबो कर मापने का तरीका खोजा था. कहते हैं कि यह सिद्धांत उनके मन में तब आया जब वह एक टब में लेटे स्नान कर रहे थे. उस समय वह उल्लास से टब से उठ कर "यूरेका, यूरेका" (मिल गया) कहते हुए भागे, भूल गये कि वह निर्वस्त्र थे. आज की तस्वीरों की मूर्ति में उनके इसी यूरेका वाले क्षण को दिखाया गया है. मूर्ति के शिल्पकार है थोमप्सन डगनाल.
Manchester, Gran Bretagna: Un contemporaneo del imperatore Ashoka in India, lo scienziato greco Archimede aveva scoperto il metodo per misurare il volume degli oggetti della forma irregolare immergendoli nell'acqua. Si dice che l'idea gli era arrivato mentre facevo bagno nella vasca. Felice della sua idea, si era alzato gridando "Eureka, Eureka" (l'ho trovato) e si era messo a correre, dimenticando che era nudo. Le immagini di oggi hanno una statua che mostra il momento Eureka di Archimede. Il suo scultore è Thompson W. Dagnall.
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