Monday 8 December 2014

Scattered seeds - Semi dispersi - बिखरे बीज

Korean-american diaspora exhibition by CYJO, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak, 2012
Korean-american diaspora exhibition by CYJO, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak, 2012
Korean-american diaspora exhibition by CYJO, Washington DC, USA - Images by Sunil Deepak, 2012

Washington D.C., USA: In the portrait museum I had stopped in front of the Koreo-American photo-exhibition. Some of their stories were very moving. Such immigrant groups are called "diaspora" or the scattered seeds that grow and make their lives far away from the original tree. This exhibition was the work of Korean-American photographer & artist CYJO. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, ever since humanity started, searching for livinng space away from the birth-place and becoming immigrant, has been a constant, but there was no one to conserve their stories. Today internet has changed the experience of being part of a diaspora and given opportunities for conserving their stories.

वाशिन्गटन डीसी, अमरीकाः कला संग्रहालय में कोरियन मूल के अमरीकियों की तस्वीरों की प्रदर्शनी में रुक गया, उनके नीचे लिखी कहानियाँ दिल को छूने वाली थीं. अंग्रेज़ी में इस तरह के प्रवासी गुटों को "डायस्पोरा" कहते हैं, यानि बिखरे बीज, जो अपने मूल वृक्ष से दूर जा कर किसी नयी जगह पर अपने जीवन बनाते हैं. यह प्रदर्शनी कोरियन-अमरीकी छायाचित्रकार साइजो की थी. शायद लाखों साल पहले जब से मानव का जन्म हुआ, नयी जगह जीवन खोजना और प्रवासी बन जाना तो हमेशा होता ही रहा है, लेकिन उनकी कहानियाँ सहेजने वाले कोई नहीं थे. आज इंटरनेट के माध्यम से माध्यम से प्रवासी होने का अनुभव बदल गया है और उन कहानियों को सहेजना सम्भव हो गया है.

Washington DC, Stati Uniti: Nel museo dei ritratti, mi ero fermato alla mostra delle foto dei coreo-americani. Alcune delle loro storie erano molto commoventi. Questi gruppi si chiamano "diaspore", i semi che crescono e costruiscono le loro vite lontani dagli alberi originali. La mostra era opera di un fotografo e artista coreo-americana CYJO. Centinaia di miglia di anni fa, da quando nacque l'umanità, andare a cercare nuovi spazi dove stabilirsi è stato un costante, ma non vi era un modo di conservare le loro storie. Oggi tramite internet, è cambiata l'esperienza di essere un immigrato e vi sono nuove opportunità per conservare le loro storie.


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