Friday 26 July 2013

Rajasthani colours - Colori del Rajasthan - राजस्थानी रंग

Tulip in yellow and red - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013
Tulip in yellow and red - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013
Tulip in yellow and red - images by Sunil Deepak, 2013

Bologna, Italy: If someone asks me which are the colours of Rajasthan, I would say red and yellow. If you travel in Rajasthan, often you see these two colours in the dresses of the women and the turbans of the men. The flowers of today's images also have these two colours.

बोलोनिया, इटलीः कोई मुझसे पूछे कि राजस्थान के कौन से रंग हैं तो मैं कहूँगा लाल और पीला. राजस्थान यात्राओं में औरतों के वस्त्रों में और पुरुषों की पगड़ियों में अक्सर यह दो रंग दिखते हैं. आज की तस्वीरों के फ़ूलों में यही दो रंग हैं.

Bologna, Italia: Se qualcuno mi chiedesse quali sono i colori del Rajasthan in India, risponderei rosso e giallo. Quando viaggi in Rajasthan, spesso vedi questi due colori nei vestiti delle donne e nei turbanti degli uomini. Anche i fiori delle immagini di oggi hanno questi due colori.



Daily 3 new images from around the world with a brief reflection in English, Hindi and Italian - Thanks in advance for your comments - Grazie in anticipo per i vostri commenti - आप की टिप्पणियों के लिए धन्यवाद

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