Friday 22 February 2013

Pink & green - Rosa e verde - गुलाबी व हरा

Costumes in green and pink at venice carnival, Italy - S. Deepak, 2013
Costumes in green and pink at venice carnival, Italy - S. Deepak, 2013
Costumes in green and pink at venice carnival, Italy - S. Deepak, 2013

Venice, Italy: Where can you find combinations of pink and green in the nature - in parrots, in plants like rose which have pink flowers, and? Today's images have shades of pink and green from the Venice carnival.

वेनिस, इटलीः प्रकृति में गुलाबी व हरा रंग साथ साथ कहाँ निलते हैं - तोतो में, गुलाब और अन्य गुलाबी फ़ूलों वाले पौधों में, और? आज की तस्वीरों में कार्निवाल से इन्ही दो रंगों में सजे कुछ लोग.

Venezia, Italia: In natura dove puoi trovare insieme rosa e verde - nei pappagalli, nelle piante come le rose che hanno i fiori rosa, e? Le immagini di oggi hanno persone vestite in questi due colori.



  1. पसन्द आई पहली तस्वीर, क्योंकि मानवीय है. :)

  2. रंगों का अपरिमित संसार!

    1. बिल्कुल अनुराग, रंगो का अपरिमित संसार! :)
      बस देखने वाली दृष्टि चाहिये :))

  3. What lovely expressions you have captured in the first photo, Sunilji! Thanks for sharing.

    1. She had been crying and her tears had smudged her makeup, so her mother had wiped her face. I also love this image! :)

      Thanks Manisha

  4. good captures.. difficult to say if it is a doll or real

    1. She was real no doubts about it! Thanks Shrinidhi :)


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