Friday, 29 June 2012

Mosque - Moschea - मस्ज़िद

Mosqueof Rome, Italy - S. Deepak, 2012
Mosqueof Rome, Italy - S. Deepak, 2012
Mosqueof Rome, Italy - S. Deepak, 2012

Rome, Italy: I had heard a lot about the new mosque of Rome, that was built a few years ago. Last time when I was in Rome, I went to visit it. It is very imposing and beautiful. However, I didn't see anyone there for the prayers, any tourists, or even persons just sitting around, there was no one. The mosque doors were closed so it was not possible to look inside. It was a Saturday so I knew that it would not be crowded like Fridays, but I was not expecting to find it completely deserted!

रोम, इटलीः रोम की मस्ज़िद, जो कुछ साल पहले ही बनी थी, के बारे में बहुत सुना था. पिछली बार रोम गया तो उसे देखने भी गया. बहुत भव्य व सुन्दर लगी. पर कुछ अज़ीब सा लगा कि वहाँ कोई नमाज़ पढ़ने वाला, कोई पर्यटक, कोई भूला भटका, कोई नहीं दिखा. मस्ज़िद के द्वार बन्द थे इसलिए भीतर देखना भी सम्भव नहीं था. उस दिन शनिवार था इसलिए सोच रहा था कि गुरुवार वाली भीड़ नहीं होगी, लेकिन उसे इस तरह सुनसान पाऊँगा, यह नहीं सोचा था.

Roma, Italia: Avevo sentito parlare della nuova moschea di Roma, costruita alcuni anni fa. Ultima volta quando ero a Roma, sono andato a visitarla. E' molto imponente e bella. Ma mi ha fatto impressione perché non c'era nessuno - non vi erano delle persone per le preghiere, né turisti, né nessun altro. Le porte della moschea erano chiuse e non potevo visitarla dentro. Era un sabato per cui sapevo che non vi saranno le folle che possono essere nei venerdì, ma non pensavo di trovarla così deserta.



  1. This is such a beautiful mosque, Sunilji. So sad that it has such an abandoned and empty look about it.

    1. Absolutely, it saddened me as well. I didn't see any other person in the hour or so I passed there!

  2. आधुनिकता का अद्भुत मेल है स्थापत्य में.

    सुनसान अजीब सा लगता है, खास कर भिड़ भाड़ के आदि हम जैसों के लिए.

    1. एक भी इन्सान नहीं दिखा, पुरा एक घँटा इधर उधर घूमा, ताका. बल्कि कुछ डर भी लग रहा था कि यहाँ कोई पकड़ के कैमरा छीन ले तो पुकारने पर कोई नहीं सुनेगा


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