Sunday, 15 January 2012

Memory - Ricordo - याद

Tughlak's tomb, Delhi, India - S. Deepak, 2011
Tughlak's tomb, Delhi, India - S. Deepak, 2011
Tughlak's tomb, Delhi, India - S. Deepak, 2011

Delhi, India: I had a childhood memory linked to the tomb of Ghiyasuddin Tughlik, who had built the fort of Tughlakabad. There was part of courtyard jutting out like a balcony, with a hole through which you could see a deep well beneath. At that time, a guide had explained that through the hole they could get water for the tomb without having to go all the way down. After that visit, for many days I had nightmares of falling down into that well from the hole. After fifty years when I went back there, the first thing I wanted to see was that hole and the well. I was told that the hole was closed many decades ago and there was no well in that area.

दिल्ली, भारतः तुगलगाबाद के किले को बनवाने वाले सुल्तान गियासुद्दीन तुगलक के मकबरे से मेरे बचपन की एक याद जुड़ी थी. उसके दालान का एक हिस्सा बालकनी की तरह बाहर निकला हुआ था, जिसमें एक गोल छेद बना था जिससे नीचे देखो तो एक गहरा कूआँ दिखता था. तब गाइड ने बताया था कि उस छेद से मकबरे के लिए सीधा पानी खींचा जाता था. उसके बाद बहुत दिनों तक मुझे उस छेद और कूँए के बुरे सपने आते थे कि मैं छेद से नीचे कूँए में गिर रहा हूँ. इसलिए करीब पचास साल बाद जब वहाँ जाने का मौका मिला तो सबसे पहले मैंने वही छेद देखना चाहा. तो पता चला कि वह तो कई दशक पहले बन्द कर दिया था और अब नीचे वहाँ कोई कूँआ भी नहीं था.

Delhi, India - Avevo un ricordo d'infanzia legato alla tomba di Ghiyasuddin Tughlak, il re che aveva fatto costruire la fortezza di Tughlakabad. Nel cortile che sporgeva fuori come un balcone, vi era un buco da dove potevi vedere sotto un profondo pozzo. Allora la guida ci aveva spiegato che dal buco potevano tirare su l'acqua del pozzo senza dover andare sotto. Dopo quella visita, per diversi giorni avevo avuto incubi di cadere dentro il buco e dentro il pozzo. Cinquant'anni dopo, quando sono tornato là, la prima cosa che volevo vedere era quel buco e il pozzo. Mi hanno detto che il buco era stato chiuso decenni fa e in quell'area non c'era nessun pozzo d'acqua.



  1. हर प्राचीन चीज को बचाने और दिखाने की जगह बंद ही कर दिया जाता है.

    1. हमारी प्राचीन धरोहरों को सरक्षित रखने की संस्कृति को बदलना पड़ेगा नहीं तो सब कुछ खो बैठेंगे.

  2. मुझे लगता है कि एक दिन टूरिस्ट की तरह दिल्ली घूमनी चाहिये मुझे भी. घर की मुर्गी दाल बराबर मान रखी है मैंने तो. हद हो गई.

    1. अपने शहर की संस्कृति सभ्यता को देखा और जाना हो तो घर में आये महमानों को घुमाते हुए अच्छा प्रभाव पड़ता है :)

  3. lovely snaps :)
    HIstory is not dead at books but alive in delhi :)

    1. That is a beautiful way to express it Karthik, thanks :)

  4. Hi just finished reading 'City of Djinns' by Dalrymple.. a dekightfuk book full of Delhi's many histories...this one os also mentioned in the book...and thanks for the comment and promo of my posts...bye

  5. oops,,,too many typos...delightful i meant

    1. I also want to read "Citty of Djinns". Last visit to Delhi, I bought Dalrymple's Nine Lives but finally had bought so many books that didn't buy City of Djinns!


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