Delhi, India: "Bandini" is a batik technique of colouring women's saries and scarfs from Rajasthan, also known as "Tie and dye". The white spots on the backs of spotted deer, remind me of that bandini clothes.
दिल्ली, भारतः चिड़ियाघर के चीतल हिरण जिनकी पीठ पर सफ़ेद चित्तियाँ मुझे राजस्थान की बँधिनी साड़ियों और ओढ़नियों जैसी लगती हैं.
Delhi, India: "Bandini" è una tecnica batik di colorare i vestiti usata spesso in Rajasthan, conosciuta anche come "Tie and dye" (lega e colora). Le macchiette bianche sul dorso dei cervi macchiati mi ricordano quelle stoffe "bandini".
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